chapter 3

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🌼margot's pov🌼

"Is he going to be there?"

"Of course he's going to be there. He Corbyn's bandmate and one of the best men," I reply as I tie Blake's tie. "There, all done," I say and give him a peck on the cheek before returning to my own makeup.

"Are you guys ignoring each other?"

"No, not actively. But we're not talking to each other. Look, don't worry about Jack. Just have a good time. You've met Zach before, talk to him."

He lets out a deep sigh. "I guess." he mutters. I grab his face in my hands, forcing him to look at me.

"It's going to be fine," I say and then peck his nose.

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"Margot. Please."  I shake my head. "I'm sorry Jack, but I have dreams of my own. I can't keep following you around."

I awake from thoughts, "not since the breakup."


"Thank God you're here," Christina says when I walk into the hotel room everyone is getting ready in.

"You look gorgeous! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks, Margot. Can you zip me up?"

I zip up her dress and then one her other friends comes into the hotel room. Christina walks over and greets her.

"Are you nervous?" Christina's friend asks.

"Are you nervous?" Kendall asks while she examines my ring. "About what?" I ask, laughing. "Getting married!" she says, causing me to dramatically roll my eyes. "He just proposed a few days ago. The wedding isn't happening for a while." She shrugs her shoulders. "Besides, I'm more excited than anything else. I'm getting married to someone that I love."

"Margot? Earth to Margot!"

"What? Huh?"

"You ready, hun"

"Yeah of course. Are you?"

"A little nervous but I love Corbyn and I'm happy we're finally doing this."

I give her a smile and nod. "Then what are we waiting for? Go get your man!"

She laughs then starts walking out of the hotel room.


"Ready to go to the reception?" I ask Blake after the ceremony is finished.

He nods his head. "Did I mention how good you look?"

"A few times," I say giggling.

"Well you look gorgeous my love."

"Stop it! You're going to make me blush."

All of the sudden I hear my name being shouted, "Margot!"

I turn around to see Daniel. "Dani!" I scream as I run and jump into his arms. He picks me off the ground and twirls me in a circle.

"I've missed you so much," he says when he finally sets me down.

"I know it's been too long." I turn to face blake. "This is my boyfriend, Blake."

Blake extends a hand towards Daniel, "Nice to meet you man."

"You too. I'll see you guys at the reception."

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