chapter 14

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I am unpacking toiletries from my suitcase when I hear a knock on my hotel room.

"Coming," I shout the person on the other side only continues knock. I swing the door open and see Zach. He has a pillow and blanket in hand.

"What's up?" I say gesturing to the items in his hand.

"I was wondering if I could stay here tonight," he said as he pushed his way past me, not even waiting for an answer. He flings himself on the bed and buried himself under the blankets.

"Aren't you supposed to be rooming with Jack?" I say, standing at the foot of the bed.

"Yeah but he has some girl in the room," he says, not even opening his eyes.

I gulp. "Oh."

All of the sudden his eyes open. "Shit! I probably shouldn't have said that."

I shake my head, trying to mask my disappointment. "It's fine Zach," I say trying to laugh it off. He pulls himself off the bed and walks over to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"I feel awful," he says before he pushes me back, hands still on my shoulders. "Are you sure your ok?"

"It's fine Zach, really. Me and Jack are over." He pulls me back into a hug. "We are definitely over."


"Oh my god!" I scream in fear as I wake up and see Corbyn standing over me. Zach is sound asleep beside me with soft snores coming from his mouth.

"I'm making you tell him today."

I shake my head. "Not gonna happen, Corbs. Not ever."

"What? Margot you and Jack are so good together and-"


"No! Listen to me! Jack needs you. You guys can-"

"Corbyn!" I yell, getting his attention. "Jack brought a girl back to his hotel room. Why do you think Zach is in here?" I say nodding my head towards the snoring boy next to me. "He's moved on," I add. I look up at Corbyn and see his jaw clenched. He turns around and begins to storm out of the room. "Corbyn!" I shout after him. But he is already gone.

🌼jack's pov🌼

"What the hell man?" I say to Corbyn as I open the door. "Why so loud?" I ask referring to his obnoxious knocking.

He storms past me and into the main area with the beds.

"Out," he says to the girl in my bed who was now propped up on her elbows. I think her names was Chloe? Stacy? I don't remember, something basic like that.

"What?" she replies with a confused look on her face.

"Out," Corbyn repeats with a harsher tone. She scramble out of bed pulling her dress over her head before grabbing her heels, running out of the room.

"What was tha-"

"What the fuck is wrong with you," Corbyn yells at me before I can finish my question.


Corbyn scoffs, clearly annoyed that I don't know what he's talking about. "What was she doing here?"

"I was at the hotel bar last night, had a couple of drinks, and brought her back up here."

Corbyn shakes his head, "This isn't like you, Jack." I can hear the disappointment in his voice. "What about Margot?"

"What about her?"

"A couple days ago you wanted to get back with her and now your just sleeping with random girls. What happened?"

I shrug my shoulders as I walk into the bathroom and begin to style my hair. "Huh?" Corbyn asks, reiterating the question.

"Margot made it clear she doesn't have those feelings anymore. So i finally decided to move on."

Corbyn shakes his head. "She still loves you." These words cause me to freeze.


"She is still in love with you."

I stop fixing my hair and turn to face Corbyn. "Did she say that?"

He nods his head. "Good luck getting her back now. She knows about your little one night stand," he says before exiting the room.

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