Scene 1 - A brief origin

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We face over at a cottage house, some old antique from the early twentieth century at the latest – the home of Joe 90 and his family. Next to the cottage is a much smaller shed, big enough to contain a vehicle. The design of the cottage has hardly altered from the original series' design. A caption flies over so we know when and where this cottage is, "Culver Cottage, Dorset, South England, Tuesday 10th April 2012". We then zoom into the house somewhere, in fact, it is underground for a reconstruction of the first scene of the first episode of the original series, so it is understandable for new viewers. 

An orange coloured box opens to the right revealing a complex variety of sophisticated pumps and tapes and boxes as the sound reminds us of the brain, this is because it is the BIG RAT computer, open and ready for its process. On the other side of the room, a turquoise-like sofa is sat on by the smartly-dressed Sam Loover intrigued by the computer systems who listens closely to his friend and genius Professor McClaine who gives Sam the introduction to the underground basement.


There she is Sam, the BIG RAT.




The Brain Impulse Galvanoscope, Record And Transfer.


With due respect Mac I find it hard to believe that it has the capability you describe.


It has Sam, you'll see. Ah Joe, good, now we can begin.

We hear the closing of the lift door as Joe enters looking excited and confident of his next move and waits by the door for the go-ahead of his father.


Is this it dad?


This is it. You know what to do.

Joe begins to make his way to the centre of the room as his father briefs Sam.


Now, Sam, I have recorded my brain pattern on that reel of tape, so electronically it now stores my knowledge and my experience. In a moment, I am about to transfer that knowledge and experience to little Joe.

The nine-year-old is sat and prepared in a comfortable seat that is raised in mid-air like a ride at the theme park into the Rat Trap, the spherical cage which spins rapidly as the knowledge is transferred. Attached to him from the chair to his temples are two thin sets of wire, similar to the television series again. As Mac stands by into the BIG RAT control room, Joe gives the final clearance holding a radio in his hand and mans the controls.


Ok dad, I'm ready.


Relax Joe, don't answer me, just relax, relax completely.

After Mac activates a control lever in front of him, the two panels of the Rat Trap come in proportion with the rest of the sphere making the length from each panel to panel equal distance, locking Joe inside as the vast collection of built-in lights behind the sphere light up like Christmas tree lights, each one randomly flicking on and on with a strange sound being projected as a result. The BIG RAT computer itself slides forward slightly as its systems begin to operate with the tape starting to transfer the knowledge in the complex design of the BIG RAT. 

Finally, the lock of the spherical mechanism containing Joe inside is released, making the Rat Trap spin delicately before picking up rapid speed. Within seconds, the cage spins incredibly wild as brain pattern sounds are released from the machinery as the process of the work being transferred is electromagnetically transferred to a calm Joe. After a magnificent shot of the BIG RAT computer, we zoom into Joe in the spinning Rat Trap as the music titles begin with the Joe 90 logo springing from the spinning object as we get another reconstruction of the opening titles with identical shots.

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