Scene 8 - Arriving back at WIN

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We are back at the school again the next day and inside the chaotic classroom with the kids mucking around and doing stupid things like any young and foolish youth would do at the back of the class. The only person not doing that is Eleanor who is left on her own at the front of the class looking lonely as she looks to her watch on her arm which reads exactly nine o'clock glumly as she tells herself.


Joe's not in again.

In the streets of London in the morning of the busy traffic, Sam's car makes its way through the roads to reach the WIN headquarters somewhere out of traffic, containing Sam, Russel and Emily in the car altogether whilst behind Sam's car they are followed by Joe and Mac in the Jet Air Car, they talk over the radio again.


How did we do Uncle Sam?


You did great Joe, but that was only one base that you have destroyed, we still have the other three and to try and find the MSRG headquarters.


Don't worry Sam, we'll get 'em, even though we barely made it out alive from the first mission.


Yes Russel, but still very romantic.

She holds Russel's hand again.


Anyway, what do you know of the other bases and their defences Sam?


Well the next base that you'll be going... Oh no!

They pull up by the WIN offices but the cars park nearby a strange vehicle, designed almost like the Captain Scarlet SPV, a blue car-like tank with an "S" logo at the front with the words "SPV" labelling the craft. Although similar in design, it is not an SPV but similar to it, we don't get an inside shot of the vehicle though.


What's up Sam?


A Special Protection Vehicle, why are they here?


You know them Sam?


Yes Mac, unfortunately. They are spell trouble, and I mean trouble.

Both vehicles park up to the offices and halt their motors.

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