Scene 4 - RAF Northolt

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Sam's fast car sprints along the second lane westbound of the A4 road, a very different style to the other car makes, the other cars make way for Sam and Russel inside quickly rushing to the RAF airport. Behind the car, the Jet Air Car is packed with Joe, Mac and Emily, but Sam's car is travelling faster than Mac's incredible hand-built version. Mac, however, makes a smarter approach.


Hold onto your head Emily, we're going up.


Up Mac?


You'll see in a minute Ms. Cartwright.

Mac activates the levers for his car and once again rises in the air, looking like it is on a collision course for the upcoming bridge.


Look out!

The car then narrowly misses the bridge and flies high up into the sky overtaking Sam's car.


(Amazed) You are kidding me! We're... we're actually flying!


This was all hand-built and can travel up to five hundred miles per hour on road, sea or in flight.


I see why they call you WIN's most special agent.

Unfortunately, for Sam and Russel in the ground-only vehicle, they begin to feel jealous that they can fly and that they only have to stay on road.


Hay, that's not fair! They get a flight over there Sam.


Get used to it, this is Joe 90 we are talking about. But we'll be there before them.

The car speeds off even further in the distance to try and catch up.

We have returned to the cottage in Dorset with the car parked outside again, Sam, Mac and Emily are down in the basement containing the BIG RAT. Joe sits in the Rat Trap waiting for instructions from Mac as he briefly tours Emily around the room with his incredible invention as they finish in the BIG RAT control room.


I don't believe this! It is just so big and magnificent. And all of this you hand-built?


Well, Joe gave me a bit of hand in construction.


I see why WIN recruited you guys.


Ok dad, I'm ready.


Ok son. What you're about to see Emily is Joe be raised into the Rat Trap and when the transference from the BIG RAT computer transfers the brain patterns into Joe's temples, the cage will spin round enabling Joe to relax. Remember Joe, relax, just relax.

With the door sealing up, the circuits in the computer and Rat Trap begin to light up as the transference begins which can be seen when the spherical cage unlocks and begins the spin rapidly as the camera zooms in on Joe inside.

The tower is hardly altered from the real design to this version, both the Jet Air Car and Sam's car are parked outside the tower building as the sounds of the aircraft taking off into the skies whilst inside, in the main control tower itself featuring one major control desk and several other smaller control consoles scattered around the building in the circular, glass dome, like any other control room. The Commander stands addressing the three pilots Joe, Emily and Russel with Mac and Sam standing out of the way whilst the three other controllers multitask by listening in and operating their separate control desk.


Ok WIN, you will all fly XG 109 aircrafts with a destination of the first MSRG base in North East Russia. Joe, will be the leader of the squadron. You will all be briefed on the attack formation in flight, but now you will prepare for takeoff, there isn't any time to waste on this assignment. Lieutenant Anderson, when is Aircraft Kayo due to land?

Lieutenant Anderson:

Aircraft Kayo will be landing in approximately five minutes from now Commander.


Right, you'd better prepare your aircraft, when Aircraft Kayo touches down and is clear of the runway, you will take off. Lieutenant Saunders, will you escort the pilots to their hanger.

Lieutenant Saunders:

Immediately Commander. This way if you please.

All leave the room as Mac and Sam step forth, but Mac encourages Joe just before he exits.


Good luck son, this is a tough one.


Thanks dad, see you later.

After they leave, the confused Lieutenant Anderson asks the common question in the series.

Lieutenant Anderson:

Excuse me sir but have World Intelligence started to promote kids into their organization.


Actually yes. Joe has carried out countless missions for WIN and we owe him a great deal for his services to our organization.

Lieutenant Anderson:

But why a nine-year old boy though sir?


Because it is the perfect cover story that a ten-year-old boy was able to carry out impossible missions, hard to believe don't you think?

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