Chapter 1

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"Stop staring! You look like a molester."

I jumped and turned, seeing Niall handing Josh an order with a smirk. I roll my eyes, turning back to the curly boy. I observe him as he tugs at the sleeves of his trench coat. He was just looking out the window, as usual.

Over the month I've realized that he stays for an hour everyday, starting at 9pm. Niall has been teasing me constantly about having a 'crush' on him, because I always look at him and maybe, talk about him. A lot.

To be honest, I'm not even sure if I'm gay. I've had girlfriends, and I don't mind gay people. I just never considered myself gay. The boy is quite gorgeous though, but he seems young. Maybe eighteen or nineteen? That's quite an age difference, considering I'm 21. Would that make me a creep? I mean age is just a number right? Well, that's what I think.

"Dude, quit your gawking and just go talk to him!" Niall huffs, wiping down a table as the customers exited the booth.

I frown and walk to the Irish lad, helping him clear the drinks before saying, "I never even hear him talk!"

And it's true; I never spoke to the boy. Either Niall or Eleanor order for him, and I'm always out of earshot. He always seems sad, and for some reason it upsets me. I, myself, am a rather cheerful and outgoing person. This boy seemed to like being to himself more. He seemed shy.

"Lou, so what? This is your chance. I can't believe he's come here everyday for a month and all you've done is stare at him," Niall said. He chuckled, and then added, "It's kind of creepy."

"Shut up!" I whined, mumbling under my breath. "Tosser."

He smacked me playfully, the bell over the door ringing as someone entered. Niall sighed and threw the towel over his shoulder. "Looks like that's my cue. Now go talk to him!"

Pft, like that'll happen. I smiled as Eleanor came over. We met when she applied and she's rather pretty, as well as very sweet. Obviously, she got the job and was one of my first choices.

"Hi, Lou," She smiled softly.

I grinned and we sat down, it being Eleanor's break. It was silent for a moment, before I decided to start a conversation, "How's uni going?"

"Eh, it's kinda difficult," She chuckled, twirling her hair and looking into my eyes.

"Well you're smart! Besides, if you don't pass, you can get by on your looks," I told her honestly. She's really pretty, and could probably make it as a model if she wanted to.

She blushed and giggled, "Thanks, Lou."

I shrugged absentmindedly and flickered my eyes to the corner where the boy sat. I don't understand, he never has a phone or anything to do. Why is he here? And alone? Doesn't he have a friend or maybe girlfriend? Boyfriend even? It just doesn't add up, he's obviously attractive and seems normal besides the alone thing.


I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to Eleanor who was looking at me with big puppy eyes. "Were you listening?" She said in a sad voice.

"Oh um," I shook my thoughts away, and nodded, "Yeah, sorry. I didn't get much sleep, so I'm kind of tired."

"Awe, I'm sorry to hear that," She pouted, reaching over and patting my hand softly, like an action of comfort.

I nodded, though it was a fib, and asked instantly, "Hey, you know that curly haired guy?"

She frowned at the sudden subject change, strange, but nodded, "Yeah, I serve him quite often."

"What's he like?" I asked, not even thinking about my words before speaking them.

She looked at me strangely and questioned, "Why do you care?"

"Um," I gulped unsure of how to say this, so I lied, "I'm just trying to get to know my customers."

"Oh," She grinned, believing it. Eleanor isn't exactly the brightest person I know. "Well, he's kind of quiet and doesn't talk much. He just orders his usual tea, Safari Sunrise."

"What's his voice sound like?" I stiffened; not realizing I had asked that and hoped to God I didn't blush. But, judging by her reaction, I knew I did.

Her eyebrows shot up, and she tilted her head to the side, asking with suspicion, "Um, why do you want to know?"

I bit my lip, and knew by now that my cheeks were red,"U-uh...just cause..."

"Louis," She said hesitantly before quieting her voice leaning over the table. "Are. Are you gay?"

I sighed reluctantly and shrugged, avoiding looking into her eyes. "I don't know."

She frowned, and I swear her eyes watered, but she smiled, "Th-that's fine. Love is love, you know?"

I looked at her, confused as to why she seemed upset, but she asked quickly, "So you're crushing on Curly?"

I couldn't help but admire him from afar, answering, "Well... maybe?"

"So talk to him!" She chuckled, smacking my shoulder lightly from across the table.

I gasped, acting hurt, "How dare you!"

"Louis," She chuckled, "Talk to him, yeah? I've got to go help Josh."

I nodded and she got up, patting my shoulder, and then went to help the others as I frowned. My eyes went the curly lad once more, as if naturally. He was looking at his hands, and suddenly dropped his wallet from his pocket. As he leant down, his shirt lifted slightly revealing a big, purple bruise. I gaped as my heart had a slight pain to it. Where are these bruises coming from? I've seen little ones every now and then. He's quite good at hiding them.

He sat up, and I realized that I should take this opportunity, because he may not come back. You never know. With that, I got up and took a deep breath, fixing my hair quickly. Hey, first impressions are a big deal.

With each step I took, my hands became more and more clammy, but I ignored it and finally I was right in front of him. This is the closest I've been to the boy. Sure, I sound dramatic, but there's something different about him.

"Hi," I finally spoke, fixing how my voice sounded weak and squeaky.

He jumped and turned to me in surprise. He didn't speak; he just nodded and looked at his hands on the table. Hm, he was shy. I noticed how different he is up close. The green beanie on his head allowed his curls to stick out cutely and his trench coat hid him, making the boy look small, though he seemed taller than me.

"My name's Louis," I told him softly, wanting to hear his voice.

He looked up, confused and I became nervous. What's up with him? I sighed, giving him a smile, "I've seen you around. I actually own this shop. So what's your name?"

And at that moment I swear, my heart melted as a deep British accent spoke, making my knees go weak.

"I'm Harry."'


instagram: hazandtae

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