Chapter 4

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When Harry said yes, I had him wait while I went to tell Niall that I'm leaving. I shimmied through a family and saw the familiar blonde boy cleaning cups in the back.

"Hey, Nialler. I'm leaving early. Could you lock up?" I asked, tossing him the set of keys to the shop. Niall is basically like the manager of the store; whenever I'm busy or have to leave, he takes over and is instantly in charge.

He nodded, stuffing the keys into a pocket in his apron. "Why are you leaving so early?"

"I invited Harry over," I said nonchalantly.

Niall snickered, "Jeez, at least buy him dinner."

I gaped at him in offense,"Niall! He may not even be gay, don't assume things!"

"So you are gay?" He asked, raising an eyebrow before stacking some cups.

I bit my lip thoughtfully. To be honest, I never really cared for either sex. I hooked up with a couple girls, but never have I even kissed a guy. I found some male celebrities hot, such as Channing Tatum and Taylor Laughter, though I rarely thought of them in that way.

I finally shrugged, running my hand through my small quiff and admitted, "I'm not sure, I don't really mind either sex."

"So bisexual?" Niall offered. I was glad he didn't mind, Niall and I are both really accepting of everyone along with Liam and Zayn. We never judge people cause of who they like, so I didn't expect him to hate me or anything.

"Maybe," I said, and then looked at the clock, seeing I've been here for at least 10 minutes. "I should get going."

"Don't want to keep your man waiting," Niall winked and I glared, slapping the back of his head playfully.

"Peasant," I muttered under my breath, then waved goodbye.

When I when back in the dining area, I spotted the beanie clad boy waiting by the door outside. I smiled and exited, then saw he was on the phone. He seems to be on his phone a lot, but lots of people are now-and-days.

"I love you too, bye," He hung up, and I frowned. 'I love you'? It sounded more... affectionate. Not like a family 'I love you'.

"Hey," I muttered, and he jumped slightly.

Harry saw it was me, and chuckled. "Hi, Louis!"

I smiled, and we began walking to my flat before Harry asked, "Where do you live?"

"Oh, it's just a couple houses down, I stuck to living close to the shop so I don't have to go far," I explained, and he nodded, understanding. We chatted for a bit, joking around and it was nice being comfortable with him.

When we got to my flat, I unlocked the door and held it open for Harry to walk in. My flat is pretty small, now that I think about it. It has one bathroom, a kitchen, living room, and one bedroom. I live alone, so it's not like I need much room.

"Nice place," Harry complimented as I closed the door behind him.

I snickered, "Pft. Yeah, right. But, thanks."

"No really, it's kind of... homey," He smiled thoughtfully.

I took off my coat and shoes, and then saw that Harry had kept his on, but took off his shoes which made me a little confused, since it was hot. I raised an eyebrow at him asking, "Are you going to take off your coat?"

"No," He said quickly then added, "It's fine..."

"Okay," I said, examining his protective state. I sighed, "Are you hungry?"

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