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Sophia and I rushed over to Jack and listened closely.

"I really want to propose to y/m/n (your mom's name) properly. When do you kids think I should propose to her?"

"Never." Jack said. I punched Jack in the thigh.

"What he meant to say was that you should wait until you think that time is right. So, you should carry the ring with you at all times while your with her so when the moment strikes, you're prepared." I said crawling on the bed next to Jack.

"I knew I should've come to you guys first! Thanks for helping. Bye!"

We said bye and hung up.

"What did you just do?" Jack asked confused with my logic.

"I just bought us some time to figure out a plan."

~timeskip to the next day~

Jack and I met by my locker to walk home together. Sophia couldn't make it so we'd be by ourselves.

"You ready?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah!" I replied smiling back.

We made our way to the house once again. We were greeted by Noah at the door and went straight to my room.

I threw my bag on the floor and belly flopped on to my bed. Jack belly flopped right next to me. We both looked at each other and smiled. We sat up and stared at each other smiling for a while. Jack grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. Apparently we didn't hear the footsteps. 

"Hey... woah!" Noah said in shock walking in the door. "Did you two...?"

"NOOO!" I said, my eyes widening. "Please don't tell mom." I said giving him my puppy dog eyes.

"As much fun as it would be to see you get hurt, I won't say anything." He said. I rolled my eyes at him. "But, I really do need to talk about something with you two."

"What is it?" Jack asked.

"Okay. Am I the only one that thinks Gavin isn't right for mom? No offense, Jack." Noah said apologetically staring at Jack.

"None taken."

"Continue." I said intently listening to his every word.

"Wait, since you guys are a thing, you won't be able to date if they get married, right?"

"Yeah, but it gets worse." Jack replied. "My dad FaceTimed us yesterday and was talking about proposing."

The phone started ringing.

"I'll be right back." Noah said getting up to answer the phone.

We started flipping through snapchat stories while we waited for him to come back.

"So, what's the plan?" Jack asked sitting up.

"Noah's normally the most deceitful person in the family. Let's ask him!" I said laughing.

"Shut up, y/n." He said walking into the room once again.

"Am I wrong?" I asked laughing.

I looked over at Jack. Found ourselves staring, holding hands while smiling at each other.

"Stop that!" Noah said.

"Stop what?" I asked looking over at Noah still smiling and holding Jack's hand.

"Doing that thing with your face when your happy. It's making me nauseous." He replied.

"You mean smiling" I asked laughing.

"Whatever. Mom is going to be back any minute. While I was on the phone with her, I thought of the best idea I've ever had." Noah said, a sudden smile appearing on his face. You know the type of smile you have when your about to do something your parents wouldn't approve of? That smile.

"What is it?" Jack asked.

"Since you bought us some time, we could lead mom on about the proposal and then when it doesn't happen, mom will be sad and you know, girl stuff and break up with Gavin." He said trying to catch his breath from not breathing at all while explaining his plan.

"That is the most far fetched plan I've ever heard. So far fetched, it might work." I said smiling.

Secret Soulmates • Jack Grazer x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora