Chapter 1

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I slowly approached the dorm room that the lady had showed me. What if they judge me for being mute?! I questioned, my anxiety levels rising. I took out my inhaler and calmed down.

After I calmed my nerves down a bit I put my inhaler back in my bag and slowly used the key to open the door. I saw a boy around my age sitting on his bed.

"Are you Alexander Hamilton?" He asked. I slowly nodded. "What's your name?" I signed, hoping he understood. He gave me a wide smile.

"John Laurens." He responded with a smile. I smiled back, knowing he could understand ASL.

"Are you permanently mute or selectively mute?" He asked.

"Selective." I signed to him. He nodded and looked like he was thinking, but I didn't really mind.

I sat down on my bed, beginning to unpack. I gave a silent sigh as I sat down on the bed and pulled out my laptop. I began to type whatever came to mind. I glanced up to see John looking at me, I blushed and looked back down at the screen.


A smaller boy walked into the dorm room holding a few boxes. I quickly sat up and asked him, "Are you Alexander Hamilton?" He slowly nodded to my question. "What's your name?" He signed. I gave him a large smile.

"John Laurens." I responded to his question. He returned my smile. Out of blank curiosity I asked, "Are you permanently mute or selectively mute?" He signed his response, "Selective." I gave him a nod.

So, there's a story behind him.. I thought for a moment, but what was the reason? Alex walked over to the empty bed and sat down, starting to unpack.

He gave a silent sigh and sat down on his bed. He grabbed his computer and began to rapidly type, when I say rapidly I mean he was typing really fast. After a solid five minutes he glanced up and caught me staring.

He blushed and looked back at his screen. I began to blush extremely hard and pulled out my phone. Oh god, I looked like such a creep. I thought to myself. He was just so cute, it was hard not to stare.

He had raven black hair that was pulled back into a tight ponytail. Bags laid under his chocolate brown eyes that were fixed on his screen as he continued to rapidly type something on his laptop. He is just- so freaking cute!

-Le time skip brought to you by my laziness (2AM)-

I hadn't realized I fell asleep when I had woken up to thunder crashing down, What a lovely sound. I looked over to see Alex was not in his bed. I was slightly confused. Suddenly the lightning illuminated Alex's small figure hiding under his desk.

I sat straight up in bed and knelt down in front of his desk. I looked at him as he hugged his knees. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He held out his hands to sign something, but retracted then back around his knees when the thunder crashed down again.

I pulled him close to me as he buried his face into my chest. I stroked his back. "I'm here.." I whispered into his ear. He looked up at me and signed, "thank you." I gave him a smile.

~NeXt MoRnInG~

I woke up and felt my arms around a smaller figure, but I very quickly realized it was Alex. I wanted to stay like this forever. I felt Alex shift in my arms and realized he had woken up. He jumped when he woke up and got out of my arms, walking over to his bed and grabbing his laptop.

I slowly sat up and made some coffee. When I walked back to the room I caught a glimpse of what Alex was typing, something about an island. I handed Alex the cup and he gave me a smile and a nod, as a way of thanking me. I returned his smile and went back to my bed.


I had been writing about the Caribbeans, because I couldn't think of anything else to write about about. I honestly hate my past, but never felt comfortable telling anyone about it. So, I wrote my way out. I'm here because of my writing and I will continue to write.

John handed me a cup of coffee, I nodded him a thanks and continued to write. Some say I write like I'm running out of time or that I write like it's going out of style. I don't mind if they say it though, I do write a lot.

John was wearing sweatpants, but no shirt, and my god did he look hot. His curly hair was tied up and freckles scattered all over his face, torso, arms, and shoulders. He was just so.. hot. I'm being so gay right now.

I never liked this feeling, mainly because everyone who I've loved has died. John was making me feel all these feelings I had tried to shut out for years. What are you doing to me John Laurens?


Surprise another Lams story enjoy!


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