Ch.2 Love from Afar

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Saint's POV
I'm thrusting in and out of him and I'm hearing his moans. "Oh Saint! Oh Son!" Him calling out my name drives me to go faster and faster into his ass. I suck on his neck while I thrust giving him love bites as well. I love Perth's noises his sounds that he makes as I'm pleasuring him. I want to drive him to the edge as I get there...
Suddenly I wake up breathing hard. I move my hand which accidentally goes to his crotch. He is hard like i am and he is breathing hard. Did he have a dream like I did? "Sorry I uh.." He gets up and goes to the bathroom. I blink. I said we wouldn't have sex not that we couldn't do other stuff. Is he afraid to ask me when he has such a need? I get up and knock on the door. "Uhh.. Hold on Saint." "Pin you know you could always come to me when you have such a need. " "But you said.." "I said we wouldnt have sex yet not that we couldn't do other stuff. Let me help you Pin." "I dont want to force you Son." "Pin I want to help you. Besides im hard too." "...Can I help you too?" "Yes please!" I tell him and he comes out. We go back on the bed. "So what exactly should we do to help each other?" "I was thinking that we should do what else AePete did in the locker room that wasn't shown." I tell him. Hoping he would get my meaning. "Oh okay Son." He says and then he reaches out and grasps me through my shorts and boxers. I gasp and put my hand on top of his. I guide his hand in my pants so he is touching me skin to skin. I moan softly as he starts to stroke me I take my hand off of his and I stick my hand down his pants and grasp him. He moans. I knew I would love the sound of his moans. I start to stroke him as he strokes me. Its so hard to focus. I stroke him as he strokes me. This feels so damn good. Its different with a guy. But I think its better. Being a guy he knows what would feel good without having to ask every second. Though im pretty sure he will ask some questions when we have sex. I'm not sure if he did anything with his ex girlfriend. All I know is that he wants her to go to hell. I moan some more feeling him around me and hearing his moans. I struggle to focus so that Pin can have pleasure too. I Wonder how he can focus on giving me pleasure while im pleasuring him. So he is an expert kisser and pleasure giver. I moan some more as I try to get back some control. So this isnt over to quickly. I've got to practice so we do actually make love it isn't over in just a few minutes. I moan louder as he strokes me faster and I lean my head back. And I stroke him faster rewarded by a loud moan. "Son! He calls out." He seems close. He strokes me even faster. "Pin..slow down or im gonna uh.." I say barely able to form a sentence. He continues to stroke me at his current speed. "Cum for me Son na." He says his voice deep and husky. I love his turned on voice. "What..what about you..Pin?" I ask hatting my turned on voice. My turned on voice is a bit higher pitched then usual. Why can't my voice be deeper? I remember how my ex teased me about it. "I'll cum soon Son...just..cum for" He says between hard breathes. He continues to stroke me fast as I am stroking him. And I feel the build up in my stomach tighten even more. He leans in closer practically in my lap as continues to stroke me and I struggle to focus on stroking him. I feel it. Im.. "Oh Perth!" I cry out as I cum. I look down expecting a mess in my pants. When did he pull them down? He then leans down to lick the cum thats still on my dick. I gasp. "What are you doing Pin?" "Cleaning you up." He says softly his voice still deep and husky. He goes back to licking me up. Not wanting to leave a drop though I know some of it has to be on his hands. Watching him makes me want to taste him too. When he finishes cleaning me up I take his still hard dick and take it into my mouth. "Saint!" He gasps. I smile and start to suck. He moans and I look up at him while I suck meeting his eyes. His deep brown eyes look so dark they are almost black. So this is what his bedroom eyes look like. I love it. His hands go in my hair and I deep throat him. He moans louder. I have to make him lose control. If teasing him and flirting with him made him lose control by kissing me I wonder what making him lose control sexually would do. I suck him harder as I cup his balls. He moans more and thrusts into my mouth. Causing me to gag a little he is not small. I continue to suck hard as he starts to fuck my mouth. I use my tongue to lick up and down his shaft as I suck hard. He continues to fuck my mouth as we find a pace we both can live with. Though I'm still gagging a little since his huge dick is hitting the back of my throat at such a pace. I smile though Perth is a moaning mess right now. Which means I am doing something right this is the first time I'm pleasuring a guy. He thrusts into my mouth a bit faster as I continue to suck hard and use my tongue. "Son ..I'm gonna.." "Cum Pin." I say causing vibrations on his dick. And I continue to suck hard using my tongue. "Oh Saint!" He calls out and releases into my mouth. I swallow the salty sweetness. I remove my mouth when I have swallowed all of it. He looks at me while trying to slow his breathing. I smile at him and after a moment he smiles back. I tuck myself back into my pants and he does the same. "Perth you should wash your hands their probably sticky." "Right. Be right back." He says. Still a bit breathless. I smile while watching him go to the bathroom to wash his hands. He comes back and we get back in bed. "We should sleep love it's like around 3 am." "Okay my love." He says seeming slightly awkward. "What? What's wrong?" "Oh nothing. That was just the first time ive ever gotten a blow job." "Oh your ex girlfriend never gave you much did she? And how was it did you enjoy it?" "Fuck that bitch she barely gave me a hand job a few times. And I think thats obvious Son I lost control and fucked your mouth while you sucked until I came. So yes I did enjoy it very much." "I'm glad you enjoyed it. About your ex she doesnt seem too.." "I will tell you about her I promise but I think right now we should sleep we both have a busy day in a few hours. With me flying back home and you staying with your mae(mom)." He says and I can tell he isn't happy with the situation. "Its going to be hard for awhile Pin we will be a part for a while I know its not ideal since we just became official but we can do it we will line each other and call each other." "I know..its just. Nevermind let's sleep Son." He says and we lay down and I cover us with the blanket. I pull him to me and hold him. I understand we'll be okay Pin I promise. I think then drift off to sleep.

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