Ch. 11 I need your love

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Saint's short POV
Its been about 3 weeks since my world turned upside but it feels like it barely happened still. When we went to workshop after it happened P'New pulled me aside and asked me if I can handle being close to Perth since I was and am still sensitive to touch because of what happened. I told him Perth is the only one I could handle being close to. He was understanding without even knowing. After that I went and sat down next to Perth. He put his arm on my shoulder. And I wished he could just hold me. Now we have the script for episode 1 of Season 2. Perth and I practice at home. Its nice. Its also nice how he has been walking me to and from each class somehow. He also watches everyone's interaction with me when we aren't in class. The only thing that's been hard is that its like he's been afraid to touch me. Especially in a sexual way. I know what happened to me. And it still haunts me. But I've been craving his loving touch. The most he's done was suck me off the other day. It was nice but I need more. Does he still want me and desire me like I do with him? I close my eyes picturing him over me sucking on my neck and thrusting into me lovingly and in lust. Trying to erase thoughts of that man ruining me. I need Perth to love me. I need him to make love to me. I need him to make sex beautiful for me again. I walk out of my last class of the day and Perth is waiting right there outside my class room door. He gives me a smile and we walk to my car. I unlock the car and get in the driver's seat. He gets in the passenger side and puts his school bag in the back seat along with mine. I lean over and put his seat belt on for him. I brush my hand on his upper  thigh. He takes my hand and holds it for a moment misunderstanding what I was trying to do. I sigh and start the car. This isn't the first time he's been misunderstood my actions. I got to find some way to get him to love me the way I need him to.
Right now I'm at my desk doing homework. Perth is on my bed doing his own. I'm having trouble focusing on the assigned chapter of world history. I think its on English kings. I sigh as I put my pencil down. I can't do this right now. I need him. I get up and head to the bed. And he looks up at me. "What's wrong?" He asks. And I take a deep breath I'm going to just tell him what I need. "I need you Pin." I tell him. "I'm here what do you need me to do?" I touch him starting at his chest and trail down to his inner thigh. He gasps softly. And takes a hold of my hand. "Do you need me to bottom for you?" He says. "No. I need you to top." "Are you sure? I dont want to hurt you." "Yes I need your love Pin. I'm tired of being haunted by that man all the time. I need you to love me make it beautiful again please." "I'm afraid of hurting you. You tore. You need time to heal." "Its been three weeks. And besides the doctor said that its healed enough of I was into anal sex." I say. And I pick up his school stuff and put it on the floor. "Please Pin I need your love. Love me please." I beg. He pulls me to him and my lips meet his and he kisses me hard. I gasp and kiss him back. He starts sucking on my lip and nibbling on it. I open my mouth. He sticks his tongue inside and dominates my tongue. I moan in his mouth. Its been so long since he's kissed me like this. He starts unbuttoning my school shirt.  Not breaking the kiss. When he finishes unbuttoning my shirt I start to unbutton his. My shirt gets tossed on the floor. He breaks the kiss to take off my pants. I let him. And he takes off his. Then he pushes me back on the bed and my head hits a pillow. Hia hands start to explore my body. I moan when his hand touches my dick. It throbs and twitches. "You tell me if it hurts and I'll ease up. I will try to be gentle." He says his Voice dropping an octave as he talk. "I want you to enjoy yourself too Pin. If its you I don't mind a little pain." I tell him. My voice already a bout a half an octave higher pitched. He leans over me and sucks on my chest. His hand stroking my dick. And I reach and grasp his.

Saint's mae(mom's) short POV
I let myself into my son's apartment. I wonder how the boys are doing. I came to see if they wanted to see a movie with me. It can kinda be like a date for them and no one would know it cause I would be there. I go to my son's bedroom door. I'm about to knock when I hear, "Are you sure? I dont want to hurt you." "Yes I need your love Pin. I'm tired of being haunted by that man all the time. I need you to love me make it beautiful again please." "I'm afraid of hurting you. You tore. You need time to heal." "Its been three weeks. And besides the doctor said that its healed enough of I was into anal sex." My son says and I hear something hit the floor. "Please Pin I need your love. Love me please." My son begs. Its quiet for a moment then I hear a gasp. They must be kissing. I back away from the door and go into the kitchen hearing some moans. I might as well make something for them to eat. They will likely work up appetite. They call each other by the code names the fans would say when asking them who tops how cute. It sounds like its PinSon instead of SonPin who knew besides a majority of wishful fans. I smile and work on a meal.

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