Ch.5 Mae and a secret Plan

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Perth's POV
He shuts the door and we sit on his bed. "I thought your mae(mom) was modern." "She is I  think she just is in shock. Even though I havent tried to hide it since we became official." I tell him and he nods. And he plays with his fingers. I need to distract him. Who knows how long our maes(moms) will talk to each other. I fix a strand or two of his hair that's out of place. He is wearing my favorite hair style of his. "You like? I did it for you." He says with a small smile. "Of course its my favorite hairstyle love." He looks me in the eyes. And I meet his gaze. "You love me?" He says in a playful tone. "Of course I do. More than you know." I say gently holding his face. He smiles then looks at my lips. We both lean in and our lips meet at the same time. Our kiss starts out sweet and loving but then gets a bit heated. We start sucking on each others lips as we kiss.  I hold his face with both hands and his hands go to my waist. We both fight for control. We aren't even using tongues but we aren't being quiet. Little sounds escaping from both of us as we kiss. I wish we didn't have to wait for another month or so I wish I was 18 already. He pulls me closer. And I softly moan. I want him now I can't help it. I fight for control. I know we can't yet. Then there is a knock on the door bringing me back down to earth. We are forced to break the kiss. Soft whimpers escape. As the door opens. We look up as our maes(moms) walk in. I forgot they were here for a moment. Trying to distract Saint and I ended up distracting myself. Mae looks at me and I realize that Saint and I are breathing a bit hard. "Cant you control yourself with my son?! He's younger than you don't use him for your own desires." She says at Saint. "Mae! We kissed each other! He's not using me. And we both have desires we're guys." I jump in to defend my boyfriend. "What happened to that nice good girl you were with? Why does it have to be him?! I clench my fist at the mention of my ex and how she is making it sound like it's Saint she doesnt accept and not that its just that im with a guy. "She wasn't a nice good girl she was dirty." I say struggling to keep my anger in check and not to spew curse words in front of the maes(moms). "And he is best for me." "How? He preyed on you always flirting with you. He made you fall for him. How do you know he wants your heart and not just your body." She says. And his mae(mom) tries to intervene but is ignored. "I didn't prey on him." His Voice catches. "I did flirt but I wasn't preying on him. I can't help the attraction but I love him. I would never make him do anything he didn't want to do." He says his voice breaking as tears fall. "Mae!" I yell. He turns his head trying to hide his tears.  His head is down. I lift his head and gently wipe his tears. "It isn't like that mae(mom) he isnt like that." I say while focusing on him. "Besides I started falling for him long before he started falling so I guess im the seducer." I tell her.

"Perth." He says softly still crying. I gently pull him into me so he can cry into my shoulder. "Mae you didnt have to say those things. You hurt him when you didn't need to. Its not him you have a problem with. Its the fact im with a guy instead of a girl. I couldnt help but fall in love with him. He couldn't help but fall for me either. The heart wants what it wants. Besides love is genderless. You know this mae(mom)." I say while lovingly rubbing his back while holding him. I'm feeling every tear that falls on my shoulder in my heart. Mae(mom) takes a deep breath. "You say you fell for him long before he started flirting. When did start for you Perth?" "I've liked him since we first met. What started as a simple crush turned into love the more I got to know him and worked with him." "Is it because of Ae and Pete that you feel for him?" "I'm not Ae and I didn't fall in love with Pete. I fell in love with Saint. Though kissing him on set was definitely something I liked being able to do. They were real kisses just scripted was so I knew it was a part of work. I loved each kiss scene we got to do. Even the first one which was nerve wrecking as he..I mean really nerve wrecking since it was our first kiss  I was so afraid of screwing it up. Even though I didn't know what his feelings were back then I still hoped for a future with him." Saints arms that were wrapped around my waist with his hands on my back holds onto me tighter. "Perth I love you so much." He whispers. "And I love you more than you know Saint." I tell him softly. "I can see you really care for each other. But give me time I still need to process this. I want you to be happy son." "He makes me happy mae(mom) so happy." "Let's go out to get coffee let's let the boys be alone." Saint's mae(mom) says finally speaking up. I dont know how she was able to stay quiet while my mae(mom) was verbally attacking her son. But I didn't exactly give her a chance to do anything. I couldn't just set back and let mae(mom) hurt my love and boyfriend. "Is that such a good idea they can't exactly keep their hands off each other." "They know their limits at least until your son turns 18." Saint's mae(mom) says teasing us. "Mae!" Saint says from my shoulder. "Maybe it will be PinSon instead of SonPin." His mae(mom) says still teasing. "You're accepting it?" My mae(mom) asks.

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