Ch. 15 Unions and sweet Love

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Perth's POV
Its happening. Its finally happening. I'm getting married. I am standing in the church by the pastor. Yoongi is also standing by the Pastor. We are both waiting for the ceremony to begin and our men to walk down the aisle accompanied by their maes(moms). I was surprised when Saint agreed with L about being the one to walk down the aisle. I would have if he had wanted. I look over at Luke in the pews happily taking pictures and they likely record the ceremony. I get the feeling that I'm forgetting something. Hopefully its nothing important. I want this day to go perfectly for him. My soon to be husband. Even though it won't be recognized back home this is still very real. The music starts up and the doors open. Jimin and Saint are standing there holding their maes(moms) arms. Unlike yesterday Saint is currently wearing my favorite hairstyle of his. His gaze meets mine as he starts walking towards me slowly. Its like the world fades and he and I are the only ones that exist. Then he reaches me and his mae(mom) places his hand in mine and she goes to take her seat. My other hand reaches into my pocket where I double check again that Saint's ring is there. I've been afraid that I was going to lose it like I've lost things before. I take a breath of relief. Its there.
We all have said our vows having written our own. My love was touched so much that some tears fell. I had gently wiped his tears away. Now I'm gently sliding his ring on his finger. I had promised him that I'd love him till my heartbeat stops and if theirs life after that I'd love him still. Forever. When its his turn he also slides on my ring his eyes not leaving mine like I had.  "Grooms its now time to kiss your grooms." The pastor says. And I put my hand on the side of my loves face and pull him to me and claim his lips with my own. I put all of my love into it. He softly gasps and kisses me back giving me all his love as well. I forget the world for a bit before coming back into myself. And I break the kiss since its supposed to be short. "Now its my great pleasure to present to you Yoongi and Jimin Min as well as Perth and Saint Sukhumpantansan." The Pastor says having struggled with my last name. I wasn't expecting the Pastor to annouce under my name. Saint smiles at me and takes my hand and we walk out of the church and into the waiting stretch limo. We slide in the backwards facing seats so the other couple can have the forward facing ones. I smile even more when I realized Saint never let go of my hand. I lace my fingers in his. When the Min couple has settled in the driver takes off to take us to the small banquet hall. "Your words in your vow was so Sweet Pin." Saint says softly. "They may have been said in English but I meant every word. I'm going to love you until I die and if their is life after that I will love you then. This is forever Son." I tell him honestly looking him in the eyes. His gaze softens as tears fall. I gently wipe his tears. "I keep thinking this is a dream im going to wake up from."  he says his voice cracking a bit as he starts to cry more. "Oh love this is not a dream. I'm really here with you and I'm going to love you forever." I tell him and pull him into my arms and hold him. He wraps his arms around me and holds onto me tightly. I smile he is so clingy I love it. Then I remember we aren't alone. I keep forgetting that the other couple are here. I hear some sounds coming from them. I don't think they remember we are here either. They are busy making out. I'm trying not think of making out cause that can lead to other things. And coming to the reception with a hard on doesn't sound fun. But when the reception is over for us, his ass is mine and im going to put all my love on him. It won't be just a physical release I will be showing him how much I love him through a physical show of love.
We are eating a meal. We had somehow managed to find a Thai and Korean catorer so Yoonmin couple and us can have traditional foods. I made sure there was no beef in either the Thai or Korean menu. I hear a bell and for the reception whenever a couple or both hear the bell they are supposed to kiss. I wonder who rang the bell whether it was L. Or Saint's mae(mom). I meet my love's gaze and he smiles before pulling me in for a kiss. I guess him back immediately. I try to keep it sweet and chaste. Then I feel his hand rub along my upper thigh. "Mmhmm." I muffle my sounds. And I break the kiss and look and his hand and then look him in the eyes wondering what the hell he's doing. He just smiles and his eyes gleam playfully. Oh so that's how you want to do it. Well I can play around too. Oh Son you won't know what hit you. You will be begging me to take you before I even get you back to the room.
Its the first dance as a couple. Yoongi leads Jimin out on the dance floor. And Saint starts to lead me turning this into SonPin. As we start dancing I take this as opportunity to mess with him a bit. I press myself up against him. Just making it look like I wanted to be closer. He gulps. I smirk and trail my hands down his back. I give his ass a quick squeeze before putting my hands in a proper place. He squeaks. After the couple dance there is a faster paced song and we are still dancing. He backs up a bit and starts dancing much like how Jimin taught him. All those pelvic thrust are killing me. Now I dont know much about dancing but I have seen some KPop music videos on YouTube. I start dancing when I got to a pelvic thrust I thrusted onto him. The music is loud it makes it so I can't hear any sounds from him. But baby I know you have gotta be wanting daddy's dick by now. After a few songs of doing this I stop and start walking off. "Pin!" He calls out. I smile at him and wink. I start walking off knowing he will follow. He does and he back hugs me. And I feel his hard on digging into me. "Pin please dont leave me alone like this." He says whimpering in his hot as hell turned on voice. "Oh do you need something love?" I say. "Pin you know I need you. Why are you tormenting me like this?" He whines. I turn around and kiss his neck and I bite down enough to leave a mark. He gasps and breathes hard. Then I whisper in his ear, "You started this game Son and I will finish it." My voice deeper than normal. And he shakes with need. "Pin I want you. I want to take your ass so bad." He says in my ear still shaking with need. "Son you have been so naughty Daddy is going to have to take you and make you scream." I tell him and he actually moans. Wow. I haven't even touched him yet and he is already like this. It amazes me how I can affect him so much and like this. I'm going to see if we can escape early.

It really was by Chance: Secretly OfficialOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora