Ch.4 Behind Closed doors and a Miracle

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Saint's POV
I'm at my own apartment mae(mom) and I drove our own cars. It took both of our cars to take my stuff in. And it took more than one trip. My stuff is mostly outside and I'm moving some stuff inside. On one of my trips Perth comes in carrying some of my things while he has a duffle bag over his shoulder. "Hey Perth." "Hey Saint sorry im late my dad took forever to be ready to take me." "Its fine you're here now. And not a word about the amounts of stuff I have." I say making room for more stuff. "I'm not Ae. And besides I expected you to have a lot of stuff."
We have brought everything in now we are rearranging everything and putting things in their proper place. The second bedroom is mostly to put random stuff and gifts I've received from fans. Right now we are working on that room when my mae(mom) comes in. "Are you boys okay now or do you need me to stay?" "If you need to go mae(mom) you can. We got it from here." I tell her. And she looks from me to Perth. "Between the two of us we can handle it thank you krub." He says politely. "Alright boys. I'm leaving now. I might be back later." "Okay mae(mom). Bye." "Bye boys." "Bye." Perth says politely. Then she leaves. I smile at him and he smiles back. "Your so polite to my mae(mom)." "I'm always polite to your mae(mom)." "True." We go back to rearranging things and finding proper places for things. "Out of curiousity how do you like me to wear my hair." "Hmm? I you look good however you wear your hair." "Okay but which look is your favorite?" "Hmm.." He takes out his phone and is probably looking at pictures. "How many of my pics do you have in there?" "Enough in guess.. This one." He says holding out his phone. I take a hold of his phone and our fingers touch.

"Aww why didn't you tell me you really liked this style? I rarely wear it

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"Aww why didn't you tell me you really liked this style? I rarely wear it." "We werent officially together then. I didnt know what your feelings were then I didn't think you would care." "You could have told me as a friend I would have worn it more." "Could a would a should a but I didn't know that. At least you know now." "True." I smile and he smiles back and we get back to work.
We have put enough stuff away we can rest now. He sits down on my bed leaning against the headboard. I sit in front of him. He pulls me to him and I'm sitting in between his legs my back to his chest. I lean into him and he holds me. Its comfortable. "Are you comfortable like this?" I ask him. "Yes." He says softly. I relax into him. Then I drift off..
We are back on the bed after both having showered. Separately of course. We had fallen asleep earlier. It was nice. I sit in his lap. After a few minutes I spin around in his lap and look him in the eyes. He meets my gaze and we look each other in the eyes for a bit forgetting the world. Then he looks at my lips. "What?" "I want a kiss can I?" "Do you have to ask Pin? These lips are yours." I tell him and he looks at me a moments before making his lips meet mine. I close my eyes. He kisses me and I kiss him back. It starts out loving and Sweet. Then it gets heated. He nibbles my lip begging for entrance. I open my mouth letting him in. He sticks his tongue in. Pin explores my mouth with his tongue. He sucks on my lips while he does and I suck on his. Then I start battling his tongue for dominance. We moan in each others mouth as we battle for dominance. Suddenly the door opens and a soft oh is hard. We break the kiss and look towards the door. My mae(mom) is standing there looking at us in surprise. Perth and I look at each other then back at her. His lips are a bit swollen I wonder if mine are. "You two are really together?" My mae(mom) says. "Wai." Perth says politely like he did earlier in the day. "Yes mae(mom) we are." "You two are gay now?" "I think the term is bisexual since we both have an ex girlfriend but yes we are in gay relationship." "For how long?" "We became official in Korea." "Because of that  unscripted kiss?" "Yes. We realised the other's feelings then. Are you okay with it?" "Can you accept it?" Perth asks and I know he is also asking if she can accept that he's the one I'm in a relationship with. "I think im okay with it. But I need time to accept it. Give me some time to get used to the idea." "Please dont hate me or him for this." "You are my son I can't hate you. Im not that old fashion or conservative that i'll hate you or him because of it. I just need to come to terms with the fact that it changes my plans and my ideas of what your future will be like.  I'm also worried because your love has to be hidden behind closed doors. That's sure to be hard and a bit painful and I never wanted that for you or him." I open my mouth but before I can say anything Perth speaks. "We are aware of what we were getting into when we started our relationship. We know its hard and that it will get painful. But I know we can handle it as long as we're together. As long as I have his love I can endure anything even a painful secret love." heart. "How sweet. And will you give my son love in return?" "Of course. I love him so much he will definitely have my love which I would give it to him no matter what." He says. My heart fills like it's full to bursting. "I'm glad to hear it. Oh I came in here to tell the two of you I brought dinner. Its on the table. Enjoy. I'm leaving now." " Bye mae(mom)." "Bye boys." "Bye." Perth says politely. And she leaves. And we go eat.

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