Ch. 17 More Memories and Support

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Perth's POV
Right now we are in bed and I'm holding my husband. He is in my arms his head is on my chest. And with one arm wrapped around him my free hand is softly playing with his hair. He's been anxious since we got the script for the next episode. I understand after what he's been through he has to reenact it for our drama. That's going to be really difficult for him. But I will be here for him. At least it seems like Ae has a similiar reaction as I did when he comes to save the day. Only thing is Ae won't have a knife or any type of weapon. The only thing Ae is able to do is beat Trump's ass till he is unconscious. Saint clings to me more. I smile and lean down to kiss him on the top of his head. He is so fucking precious I can hardly believe it. He hums a tune I don't know but it feels familiar. When he stops I tell him he's an adorable bunny. "Bunny?" He asks softly. "Fans call you that why can't I?" "Hmm.." He goes teasingly. My hand that isn't in his hair starts tickling him and he starts giggling. Which makes me smile. That's such a magical sound. "Okay..okay Perth." He says between giggles. I stop. And he takes a breath. "You can call me whatever you want as long as I'm yours and youre mine." He says. "Love I'll always be yours and you'll always been mine. And if theirs life after that I'll love you still." I tell him. He is silent for a moment. "Do you think its possible to have had multiple lives and to love the same one in ever single life?" He asks. "Like reincarnation and Soulmates?" I ask. "Krub.(yes)." "I'm not really sure but I think its possible. If we were soulmates it would make sense on how I fell for you so hard so fast. It would make sense if my soul recognized you." I tell him and he relaxes into me. "Why do you ask Love?" "Curious." He says simply. I continue to play with his hair and soon he drifts off. "I love you my beautiful bunny and Angel." I whisper softly. Then I close my eyes and allow myself to drift off.

Niran's POV
I am walking around scounting things out near a safe area. My kingdom is at war with another kingdom. And their is a battle going on close by. I see a beautiful maiden. Walking with a girl companion. I suddenly see an arrow being shot. I dont think I just run to her and pull her out of the way of the arrow. I look down and meet her beautiful brown eyes they are shinning like precious gems."Be careful my lady. There is danger all around you with this battle going on close by." I tell her kindly. "Thank you so much for saving me." She tells me bowing her head. Her voice is as beautiful and precious as she seems to be. I smile at her. "Please allow me to escort you to a safe area my lady." I tell her. "Alright." She says and her compainion frowns. I hold out my hand to her. And she takes it her hand seems so small and delicate in mine. She is so fair and seems so fragile. Compared to me that is dark and rough. "What is your name my lady?" I ask her gently. "Achara my lord. And what is your name?" She asks. "Niran my lady." I tell her with a smile.
Time skip
I have discovered that Achara is a Princess daughter of the enemies King.. But I can't stay away from her. I've met with her secretly several times. There is a light about her that I can't stay away from. I feel like I need her. Ive fallen for her. She has my heart. Even though it won't be accepted because we are enemies I can't help what my heart wants. If she accepts my feelings I will give her all my love. I meet up with her under the light of the moon. I take her small hand and admits that I love her. And my heart beats erratically while i wait for her to either accept or reject. And then she tells me she loves me too. I'm so happy. I gently pull her to me and kiss her softly and full of love. She gasp and kisses me back and I feel her love. The world fades away as I kiss her.
Time skip
I take her to a spot in the forest for us to be alone. I kiss her gently but it soon gets heated and i suck on her top lip and she sucks on my bottom lip. I find an opportunity to thrust my tongue in her warm mouth and my tongue dominates hers. And as if my hand has a mind of its own my hand goes to her breast. She moans in my mouth. I have a need to touch her. To be inside of her. Its like I'm starving for it. I break the kiss. "Are you sure you want this my love? I can wait." I tell her breathing hard. "Please love me Niran." She tells me and i dont wait I gently start to take off her clothing while kissing on her neck. Wanting to mark her as mine. She starts making these sounds and it drives me crazy. Soon my her clothing is off and I stare at her beautiful body seemingly glowing in the pale moonlight. Then I take off my own clothing. Then my dark skin meets pale skin as I stick a finger into her center to prepare her for me.
A little later
I thrust into her and she cries out a little. I lean down to kiss her neck to comfort her as I break her maidenhood. I thrust into her slowly at first to give her a chance to adjust to my size. Then she moans, I think I've found her g-spot. And I continuously starts to pound into it. She feels so good ans tight around me. She quickly fills up my senses. All I can focus on his her. I want to please her so much. I want her to feel my love. Soon she screams out my name and she clenches around me. Oh damn so tight. I fight to control myself so I can please her longer. I drive her to the point of screaming my name several times. Then unable to help it I cry out her name and I cums deep inside her. After a moment I gently slides out of her and lays down next to her. I pull her into my arms and hold her. Never wanting to let her go. "I love you so much." She tells me. "And I love you more than you know my angel." I tell her and I hold her closer. And she clings onto to me. Which I love.
Time skip
I am finishing up preparing my marriage to my love and I'm heading into the forest. When suddenly I hear a familiar voice screaming in pain. And screaming no! And Stop please! My heart clenches. Achara! I run off. And when I find her my blood boils. Another man is forcing himself on her, raping her. I push him off and out of her. "You asshole I'm going to fucking kill you for touching her!" I yell making my voice low and deadly. Then then man and I fight. I get several good punches in before I pull out my sword from its sheath and I aim it straight into his chest. Piercing his heart. He falls to the ground with a thud. I return my sword to its sheath and I go to my love who is sobbing. I gently place a hand on her. I feel her tense up. "Its me Love its okay." I tell her gently. And I pull her dress down. Then I carefully pick her up, she holds onto me. I walk away carrying her to the place that I arranged for us to stay at. Once we are in the room she completely breaks. She sobs and screams and hits me in my chest. It doesnt hurt much but I take it feeling her pain in my heart. Then I hold her and I try my best to comfort her. After a bit I gently wipe away her tears. "I'm here Love and I'm not going anywhere." I tell her softly meaning every word. And looking deep into her beautiful brown eyes..
Back to Perth's POV
I wake up suddenly. What the hell was that?! It felt and seemed so real. I look over at Saint. Was he Achara? I recognized his eyes and his voice though his voice is lower pitched now. Except when he gets turned on. Then it gets gloriously higher pitched. And I was Niran. So those were memories of another life. It seems like I have some research to do. I lean over to Saint and I wrap an arm around him and I allow myself to drift back off.

It really was by Chance: Secretly OfficialDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora