Losing Part of Yourself

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"How could you be so reckless in making a deal with Elijah and not consulting with me first?" Damon had me come over early after hearing what happened with Elijah and Stefan being freed from the tomb.

"Seriously?" I can see Rose sleeping in his bed. "Alaric told me how you provoked a werewolf and you were marked." He rolls his eyes. "No, my sister made a deal she thought was everyone's best shot of staying safe from Klaus. You, on the other hand, were being an ass and now Rose is paying the price."

"You think I don't know that? People die and now I'm going to kill that werewolf!"

"Do you hear yourself?"

"Oh, I do and what I'm saying is that bitch is dead!" I pull Damon into the living room not wanting to wake Rose up.

"Listen here you ass. You're being irrational with your actions."

"Says the girl who made a deal with a vampire we have no way of trusting."

"You pissed off a wolf and now your only friend is possibly dying."

"People die Sofia. What am I supposed to do wallow and feel sorry for her? I barely know her."

"Don't lie to yourself."

"I'm not lying."

"Yes, you are. You don't like people knowing you care about anyone and sometimes you barely care for me but I know that's a defense mechanism. I do the same thing." Damon looks to the ground and I know he won't admit it but I know I'm right. "It's okay to say you have feelings for Rose. You two connected in a way you've never done with another person. It's understandable that you would feel sorrow for her being hurt. But you can't hide away your feelings hoping it will go away."

"You think you know me but you don't."

"Maybe I don't but that doesn't keep me from loving you." I reach my hand up and touch his cheek. He reaches up and holds my hand there with his own. "Prepare yourself for what may come or ask the werewolf with humility in your voice if she knows of a cure. I will be here for you no matter what happens." Damon leans down and kisses my forehead and heads out. I know he hates sharing his feelings but this is something he's going to need to face head-on and not hide it away. No one knows of a cure and I fear that Rose is going to suffer a fate worse than death.

Bonnie wanted to start teaching me how to control my magic today of all days. I needed something to take my mind off Rose and Damon's guilt. He always finds a way to make things all his fault even when it's not. If she dies he will blame himself and I don't know how he will handle it. "Okay, so my Grams used to say that the Earth is our most powerful connection. We can draw power and energy from it for spells." Bonnie has her grimoire open and I'm studying it looking for any indication of a cure to a werewolf bite. "I've looked and there's nothing in there." She states and my heart sinks.

"I wish there was something I could do. Rose is Damon's only friend and she's dying from something stupid he did."

"And he's going to have to live with that."

"Why is death following us Bon?" She looks down. "I thought life was to have ups and downs but it seems like all we have are downs. Death lingers over us like a normal phenomenon that we can't seem to shake off."

"I know it seems doom and gloom but I think us practicing together we will find something remarkable to live for."

"How are you with your magic I ask her."

"What do you mean?" I catch her off guard.

"Jeremy's shared with me about you fainting and your nose bleeding when you perform powerful spells."

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