Chapter 1

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Working myself through the book shelves, I made sure everything was in order and that everything was shelved neatly. I write down on the clipboard of the sections that I have organized, making sure that everything was all up to date.

Taking a quick glance at the time, I realized that it was almost closing time.

I jot down the section that I had just finished organizing and walked to the back work room where our book check-ins were done.

The library I work in isn't too big nor is it too small. It is actually that most historic library to ever been built in this state. It's so old that supposedly ghosts roam around inside.

For that's what my old coworkers would say.

I have known this library for so long since I was a kid, I remember the days when my mother would bring me to storytime. Who knew that I would end up working here.

Putting away the clipboard that I had, I notice my coworker walking by me, she was grabbing her purse, preparing to go home.

"Hey don't forget that tomorrow our boss is having some 'guests' from that new scholar company." my coworker said as she put on her purse over her shoulder, "I heard that these guests are somewhat picky."

I laugh and nod, "You sound worried about it."

She shrugged her shoulders and sighs, "Hey, what can I say, this company works along with the aliens. Y'know.... the Transformers."

Yeah I knew exactly what she was talking about. You see, about four years ago, the government revealed the secret about the Transformers living among us. They had to reveal the secret due to the fact that this giant metal planet appeared right into Earth's hemisphere out of nowhere. It was known as Cybertron, for that's what these aliens call their planet as.

However not everyone was happy to have alien neighbors though. Especially when these aliens were robots tall as buildings and carried weapons. It sounds like it could be a scifi movie.

Anyway, the government had tried making ways where both our races could coexist and work together. In fact, thanks to the government's methods, jobs had opened up more, especially in the mechanical fields. Transformers would be seen helping construction sights, using their unique abilities and vehicle forms to carry heavy loads that a human can't do. Or even an average normal car can't accomplish.

Our kind has been slowly accepting these Transformers, of course, there's still some distrusts from time to time.

That's where the special scholar company comes in.

The Transformers and the government had agreed to share history and knowledge of both planets. Even Though the Transformers have access to the internet and can easily learn everything about us, the Transformers thought it would be wise enough for their race to share some of their information to us.

Everything except sharing weaponry info.

The scholar company picks certain libraries to be chosen to hold and share Cybertronian knowledge to the public.

However, instead of donating books, they would be giving holographic data pads that can only be used inside of the libraries.

Supposedly it would bring a boost up for people to visit their local libraries.

The bad thing about this company was, like what my friend just said, were picky.

"Anyway, I just wanted to give you a heads up since you forget a lot." my coworker said raising an eyebrow at me.

I narrow my eyes playfully at her, "I do not."

Embarrassingly... she was right.

She laughed and shook her head, "Well whatever, I shall see you tomorrow. Bye!"

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