The second interview

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Optimus POV

I notice Elliot fidgeting with her fingers, her gaze avoiding mine. My sensors were also indicating a level of stress and her heart pulse had increased in a short amount of time.

Not knowing how to start a conversation and worried that I may make her more worried she suddenly broke the silence.

"You left the letter at my doorstep?" She suddenly asked.

"Yes." I replied, "I hope I didn't invade your personal space."

She looked down at her lap and then back at me.

"It's fine, just a little creepy that you know where I live." She mumbled a bit on the last part.

"My apologies, I should have spoken to you directly. It just seemed that you needed space." I replied.

She bit her lower lip, "I should also apologize for my... behavior. The way I stormed off was low of me."

Her fingers suddenly traced on the leather seat that she was on, I clench onto the steering wheel, trying to ignore her small gesture. I try focusing on the road.

"You had every right to be angry, we were stressing you. We didn't mean to pressure you." I look at her who seemed to relax a bit.

She then started to look around the interior of me. Her face was in awe which made me internally chuckle. Very few soldiers had the chance to see my interior and many were always surprised by the size of space.

"Is this really your truck? Or your job's truck?" She asked curiously.

"I- ahem- the truck is mine, I do use it at work but wherever I go, the truck comes with me."

If only she knew.

Elliot POV

Mr. Pax drove for half an hour until he stopped in front of a big, tall grey building. It was surrounded with security.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"This is one of the Scholar companies that I work with." He replied.

He drove slowly to a checkpoint and many of the security immediately allowed him in.

He drove to the parking lot of the building and parked right on top of three parking spaces, since his truck is freaking huge.

"Wait here." Mr. Pax said as he got out of the truck to talk to a nearby officer.

I notice the officer handing Mr. Pax a lanyard with a weird looking card on it. He then walked back to the truck and opened my side of the door.

I unbuckle myself and climb out, nearly tripping by the height from the ground, but Mr. Pax kept a firm gentle grip on my arm to avoid me from falling. He then hands me the lanyard that he was given.

"You must put this on so you can get inside." Mr. Pax instructed me.

I put the lanyard on and look at the card hanging on it which already had my photo and name on it. I internally cringe, feeling as if my identification is not even private anymore.

Mr. Pax gestured me to follow him through the entrance doors. I followed closely behind Mr. Pax, not wanting to get lost inside the immense building.

The building walls were mostly covered in glass windows and the floors were polished white that I could almost see my reflection. There were many workers who walked around with expensive suits and ladies with beautiful black uniforms. I literally felt underdressed. Even Mr. Pax seemed to fit well with even just casual clothing, maybe due to the authority vibe that he gives off and his regal like posture.

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