A Suspect

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Elliot POV

There was a sudden knock at the door. I grumbled and sat up from the bed, trying to adjust to my surroundings while rubbing my eyes. My eyes were pretty dry and had a bit of eye gunk. I run to the bathroom and wash myself up. The knocking began again at the door.

"Just a minute!" I shouted, hoping that they heard, but the knocking only seemed to get louder.

Once I washed my face, I ran to the door. As soon as I opened it, I was greeted by two soldiers. Both of them held worry in their expressions.

"Sorry to bother you, but you are needed at the meeting bunker ASAP." One of them spoke up.

"Umm ok, do you mind if I go change?" I asked.

"We don't have time for that, you are needed right now." The second one said, taking a step forward.

What the hell was going on?

I quickly slipped on my shoes that were luckily right near the door, "Why am I needed?" I asked.

Both soldiers stayed quiet and quickly escorted me towards the meeting bunker. I had my hands crossed over my chest, feeling vulnerable, luckily there were hardly any soldiers at the moment. I tried brushing my hair down with my fingers, trying to at least look presentable.

As soon as we arrived at the meeting bunker, there were about five other men in black suits. The men were chatting with one another until they saw me approaching. Before I could even say hello, the men charged at me, one of them then dragging me to a nearby chair to sit.

"How much do you know about M.E.C.H!?"

"Where is Silas!?"

"Are you aware of the plans!?"

All of them began to interrogate me, not even allowing me to process each question.

"Answer!" One of them snapped. Clearly impatient of the lack of response.

I sunk onto the chair, having no clue how to respond.

How on earth can I answer that!? Why are they interrogating me!?

I was freaking out.

"I- I don't know what-" I tried to speak up, until Ratchet's voice cut me out.

"Give her some space!" Ratchet snapped, seeing me with a pale face, "Who gave the authority to interrogate her!?

One of the men took a step forward, "We have access by the FBI to get under the investigation of any lead to the infamous terrorist group known as M.E.C.H. As of now, Elliot Torre is in the suspect list." He then pulled out some handcuffs and faced towards me.

"What!?" I shouted, "I'm not a lead to a terrorist group! Or M.E.C.H!?" I tried to defend myself.

The man suddenly handcuffed both my hands painfully together.

"You can answer in the agency." The man replied.

"You cannot do that!" Ratchet got on one knee and picked the man up from behind the shirt.

All at once, the other men pulled out their guns and aimed them at Ratchet.

"Get your hands off me!" The man that Ratchet had began to shout in anger.

"Elliot is under my watch! And if any of you try hurting her, I will use force!" Ratchet snapped. He dropped the man onto his butt a little further away from me.

Ratchet positioned himself between me and the FBI men, clearly ready to defend me.

"What is going on here!?" A recognizable voice boomed into the building.

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