Roulette of emotions

468 12 9

Elliot POV

I grumble as my phone began to ring on the night stand of my bed. I reach for it and try rubbing my eyes to get a clear view of the caller id. It was Sonia, my friend from work.

I answer and tried to not sound tired and cleared my throat before answering.


"You're barely waking up!?" Sonia exclaimed from the other line, unfortunately my voice still had that sleepy tone, "Do you have any idea what time it is!?"

Was it afternoon already?

I look at the clock on my wall and read, 7:36 A.M.

I groan and flop onto my pillow. Sonia had a tendency to wake up early.

"It's freaking early!" I groaned.

I heard Sonia scoff, "It's a perfect time to be awake!"

Kind of reminds me of when Ironhide honked his horn outside my house to wake me up.

"Anyway! I'm calling you at this time to know if you will be busy tonight?" She asked.

Not really, aside of maybe going to base and learn other things from Ratchet for my departure to their planet.

"Umm, I got a few errands but I should be free by tonight." I replied.

"Sweet! Nathaly and I will pick you up from your house around 7. Crap! I'll call you later! My parakeet is trying to grab my pancake! Later!" She hung up.

I groan again and stare at the ceiling. Now that I was awake, it's hard to fall back to sleep. I guess I should start my day now. I climb out of bed and walk to the kitchen. I turn on my t.v and realized that almost every channel was about the incident from yesterday. The president spoke that we shouldn't panic and that the situation was being taken care of. I tried to flip to other channels but everything was about yesterday. I decide to turn it off.

I make myself some cereal, while I ate, I scrolled through my phone's social media. I watch a few videos until there was a knock on my door.

Maybe one of the Autobots.

I open the door, but instead of seeing one of the Autobots, a toy owl was staring right back at me. I almost freaked out until Bumblebee's holoform moved the owl from my face and smiled.

"Morning!" He grinned.

"Jesus, I can't believe a toy almost gave me a heart attack." I laugh, "Morning to you too Bee." I smiled.

I open the door for him to walk into my home. I peek out and I only see Bumblebee's vehicle on my driveway.

"Sorry, it's just me for today." Bee said, reading my mind, "The other guys are busy."

He hands me my toy owl, I embrace the owl, missing the softness of its feathers. I gesture Bee to sit on the couch as I placed the owl on the couch near him.

"Thanks for returning the owl to me." I said.

"It was no problem." He replied, "He didn't cause any trouble." He joked.

I giggle, "So how is everyone?" I asked, "I bet they're all busy because of the... y'know... that video."

Bumblebee exhaled and nodded, "The tech team are having a difficult time locating the source of the video. Lennox is worried on taking drastic measures."

If I were Lennox, I would have been frustrated as well. I look at Bee who was staring at my owl. He looked like he was deep in thought.

"Something in your mind?" I asked.

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