Target in sight

523 13 8

Elliot POV

I yawn and rub my eyes as I tried to adjust my sight. Once my eyes adjusted, I noticed my toy owl right next to me. I pull it to my chest and snuggle onto it. Flashback of last night's kiss replayed in my memory. The way Optimus pressed himself against me, his gentle caresses leaving goosebumps on my skin. I shove my face deeper into the owl's body and squeal into it.

I was a blushing mess!

I sighed and sat up, looking at the time. It was barely 8 AM. I rub my face and climb out of bed, ready to start my day. I took a shower and got dressed up, I ate breakfast and did all my chores around the house.

When I was done I looked at my phone to see many text messages coming from both Sonia and Nathaly. Many of the messages asking if I was alright and if Optimus took me home.

I texted them both and reassured them that I was back home, safe and sound.

And love struck.

I shake my head and suddenly heard a knock on the door. I walk to my door and open it. Before I could register who was knocking on my door, I get tackled, hands gripping my shoulders.

"Is it true?! Tell me!" Arcee's holoform was blurting out.

"Uhh, morning?" I said.

Arcee was then pacing around my living room, I closed my door and walk up to her.

"Sorry, morning to you too." Arcee mumbled embarrassed.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, getting concerned

"Yes, everything is alright." Arcee quickly replied.

"Then why did you look like you were panicking?" I asked.

Arcee's face suddenly turned red, "It's nothing, but I need to hear it from you."

I was confused, "Hear what?"

Arcee exhaled, "Is Optimus... courting you?" She asked.

Now I felt my face heat up, I look away, "W- what are you talking about?! Me and Optimus? Pft! What makes you think that we're-"

"Elliot." Arcee narrowed her eyes at me, "What happened last night?"

I gulped. I wasn't even sure if Optimus was willing for the rest of the team to know what happened. I would hate to be the one spreading the word without Optimus' approval.

"Sorry, I was drunk to remember." I smiled.

Arcee pouted and eyed me for a few more moments before stepping back away from me.

"Hmmm, alright. Anyway, we should get you to base." Arcee suddenly turned her holoform off.

I grab my phone and keys and walk out to her who was parked in my driveway.

I hope no one else asks about last night's events.

Optimus POV

"So what happened with you and Elliot yesterday?"

I turned to see Sideswipe, sharpening his blades nearby. I exhaled and presumed my task on the monitors.

"I just took Elliot home." I replied, hoping he would drop the topic.

I have been avoiding questions from my Autobots, all seeming intrigued to know what happened between me and Elliot last night. I however felt that it wasn't in my position to tell anyone what happened, feeling as if Elliot may feel uncomfortable if the news was spread around the base.

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