The interview

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Elliot POV

We sat at a far corner near the giant glass windows. The older man and Mr. Pax sat across from me, they seemed to observe me in a weird way as if I were a puzzle to them that was difficult to solve.

A waitress walked by us and asked if we wanted anything to drink or eat. The girl seemed to be blushing as she stared at Mr. Pax and the other male.

Mr. Pax and the other male didn't order anything however. The girl stuttered a few times and left to get my drink. As soon as she walked away, the older male cleared his throat.

"Elliot Torre," The man said, shocked to know he knew my last name, "you must be confused as to why we asked to speak to you."

I quickly nodded, "I am."

"Well, the reason as to why we wanted to talk to you is because we have a job proposition that we want to request to you. Mr. Pax believes that you have the skill and mind for this certain job."

I look at Mr. Pax, confused. He however had a stoic expression, still looking at me.

"Umm, why-"

"We gathered information about you from your boss, she has shown your work progression and projects that you have done for her library. We must confess, you work very quickly on your tasks and hardly make a mistake, she has shown us the clipboards that you fill out and you seem to keep everything up to date." The older male leans back against his chair, "Pax told me about your answers to his questions and I must say, they were very interesting to hear. You may not understand why we took your words as a great deal but your words have more impact than you may believe." He leaned closer towards me, "Your insight can help play a part into today's society. Helping Transformers and humans to work together."

Before I could say something, the waitress returned with my drink. I thanked her and she seemed to hesitate to leave, clearly she wanted to talk to Mr. Pax and the other male. I mean these men were very attractive. I almost felt bad for the lady as she tried to get their attention. As soon as she left, Mr. Pax stared closely into my eyes as if looking right through me. I could have sworn I saw his eyes glow a little.

"Elliot," Mr. Pax began, his voice sending me chills, "I understand that you're very confused, but I believe that you can help us."

"But how? I mean, what is this certain job? I'm just a page at work and I only follow my tasks. In fact, all of staff does, many other pages from other libraries do what I do." I replied.

Mr. Pax smiled and shook his head, "Same tasks, same positions, however your words and thoughts are what was different from everyone else."

"I still don't understand-"

The older male groaned, "Mr. Pax interviews every single staff worker from every library without them knowing. How do you think you met Mr. Pax randomly?"

Was that why he kept staring at me while I worked?

"Let me get this straight, Mr. Pax was purposely chatting with me just to know what my insight was to his questions?" I asked.

"Correct." Mr. Pax answered, "However you're one of the first to satisfy my inquiries."

"But what is this job? And how does it involve Transformers and humans to work together?" I asked.

The older male sat straight and quirked an eyebrow at me, "It is classified at the moment, which is why we want to continue interviewing you before deciding to let you know what the job is."

"How do you know I will not accept this job position though?" I asked.

The older male looked at Mr. Pax, seeming to also seek an answer from him. Mr. Pax stared at me for a few seconds then looked outside.

A Page's FateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang