A letter?

434 10 8

Elliot POV

Grabbing my stuff from my locker to finally head home for the day, my two coworker friends were talking nonstop about Ironhide.

"Dude! Weren't you scared!? That guy was huge! He could have been in a gang!" One of my coworkers exclaimed.

"He just wanted to find a book, not a fight." I replied.

Both of my friends already knew the incident with Steve, which is why they suggested to give me a ride home in case Steve was wandering outside.

The three of us went to the parking lot and got into my friend's silver car, I sat on the backseat, buckling myself in.

My friends wanted details about Ironhide's confrontation with Steve. I told them everything except the part where Ironhide asked about ROTC and war. Not thinking that it was important to the story. Both of my friends unfortunately had issues with Steve as well, since Steve likes to flirt with them too.

"Y'know what we should do? We should hang out. Just us three and grab a few drinks, we deserve some vacation." One of my friends suggested.

"You're right Nathaly, we should get a break, what do you say Elliot?" Sonia said as she played around with Nathaly's car radio, "We should hang out next weekend since we all get a day off."

I did need a break, "Yeah, sounds good."

Once arriving in front of my house, they all gave me a farewell and drove off.

I walk up to my house, but before unlocking the lock I notice a note sticking on the bottom of my door.

A white small envelope with a weird signature was scribbled on it.

Picking it up slowly, I look at the signature and noticed that it had my name. I look around me to make sure it wasn't a prank by a nearby neighbor, but there was no one nearby. I unlock my door and walk inside my house, making sure to lock it behind me.

I walk over to my couch and open the letter. The first thing that catches my attention was the amazing handwriting, the letters were curved perfectly together.

Dear Ms. Torre,

I would wish to speak to you again, I hope to be in better terms with you. I haven't been fair to you and have pressured you to the point of frustration. Please accept my apology, it may be too soon for you, but I do wish to meet again. I will answer your questions to the best possible way I can. I shall be seeing you after work, do not worry, it will be just you and I.


I finish reading and set the letter down. Sighing, I pace around my living room.

Thinking on what to do or if I should give Mr. Pax a chance. I was however curious to what the job was to make Mr. Pax come to the extent of leaving the letter at my door.

Can't believe he knows where I live.

I groan and go to the kitchen and make myself something to eat.

It was dark outside already. I sat on my bed reading the data pad that I kept under my bed.

I was reading a few entries about Transformers again. It was mainly about how a Cybertronian body was composed of and that their sparks are like a heart that keeps them alive.

Not realizing that I was reading way past my bedtime curfew, a yawn escaped my mouth and my eyes started to twitch.

I put down the data pad and stretch my arms up, my back suddenly made a popping sound due to me slouching too much.

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