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Finally finishing up my shift, I headed to the lockers to grab my bag until I was tackled by Nathaly and Sonia in a sudden bear hug.

"What the?- Guys?" I asked, shocked at their embrace.

"Why didn't you tell us that you you're being transferred to a new job?!" Sonia exclaimed.

How did they know?

"Who told you?" I asked.

"We overheard Mrs. McCullen talking to someone in her office about you getting a new job." Nathaly replied.

I raised my eyebrow, "Eavesdropping again?"

"As if you don't do it too." Sonia countered.

I laughed, "True. And yeah I'm getting a new job, I just signed up yesterday but I'm waiting for the paperwork to go through."

It was technically true.

"We're gonna miss you though, you've worked here for years now. Just don't forget to come everyday to visit." Sonia pointed her finger at me in a scolding matter.

"I'll try." I said.

I felt a pang of sadness, realization hitting me that I won't be able to see them as much anymore after I get the job.

Both my friend noticed my change of expression.

"You okay?" Nathaly asked.

I quickly nodded, "Yeah, it's just that, the job is pretty far from here."

They both looked down until Sonia's face lit up.

"Then let's go party! Just us three! We can go out and hang out, we can go to that fancy restaurant in the city that just opened up a week ago." Sonia said.

"Yeah that will be awesome." I liked that idea.

"We can do it as soon as you get accepted Elliot, that way we can say our proper farewells." Nathaly smiled.

"Good idea." Sonia said, "Just keep us updated."

I nodded, "I will. Thanks guys."

They gave me one more hug.

I waved goodbye to them and walked to the exit where Bumblebee and Sideswipe were already waiting for me, standing in front of their vehicle forms in the distance of the parking lot.

Before I could run up to them, someone blocked my path and my face bumped into someone's chest.

The strong smell of cigars hitting me in a flash.

Damn it.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Steve asked, smirking down at me.

I look up and see Steve waiting for my reply. I tried walking around him but he kept mirroring my motions.

"I'm just going home." I lied.

He then grabbed my shoulder in a very tight grip making me yelp in pain.

"I hate when you ignore me." He suddenly hissed.

I notice him glaring down at me, he then shoved me towards a nearby wall and pins me back with a loud thud.

I notice Bumblebee and Sideswipe running towards me. Steve clearly not noticing them approaching us.

Steve lowers his head closely to mine and laughed, "Where's your big muscled friend now? Too bad he ain't here."

I had enough!

I raised my right hand and struck two fingers on the side of his neck causing him to gag and nearly lose his footing on the sidewalk.

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