The Party

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I was packing the desserts, making sure that everything was ready to be carried out. I look at the time and notice that I had an hour left to get ready. Before I could get to my bedroom to change, there was a knock on the door. Answering the door, I see Optimus standing on my doorstep dressed up in a nice rolled up sleeved red shirt with blue jeans and dark brown boots.

His hair was brushed down although a few strands hanged loose on his forehead.

"Hey, you're early." I smiled up at him.

He gave me a short nod with a smile, "I wanted to make sure I helped you enough to prepare for departure to your nieces' creation day."

I smile at his wording for birthday.

I open the door wide enough for him to walk through, "Just let me change first and I'll let you help me carry the desserts to your truck."

Optimus nodded but then furrowed his brows, for a second I thought he got disappointed at me, but I noticed how he wasn't looking directly at me and was staring somewhere on my forehead, I then realized that I still had the bandage that Annabelle slapped me with.

"Did you injure yourself?" Optimus asked, worry laced in his voice.

I quickly shake my head and cover my eyebrow with my hand, "Oh! I didn't! It's just that Annabelle gave it to me earlier. I completely forgot I still had it." I laughed in embarrassment.

Optimus relaxed his posture and smiled, "I see."

I led Optimus to the living room while I left to change. I had the clothes already prepared when I got home so I wouldn't have to dig through my closet at the last minute in a rush. While I took off my pants, the note that Steve had given to me had fallen out of the pocket. I freeze for a second and hesitantly grab it, thinking on whether to throw it away or keep it for now. I decide to keep it and tuck it into the new pants I was just putting on. I change myself into some ripped jeans and a green pastel buttoned up shirt. I brushed down my hair and finally remove the bandage that was on my eyebrow, almost having to cry out in pain by how well Annabelle sticked it onto me. Luckily, no hairs were harmed during the pull.

I grab my keys and phone and wallet and rushed out to see Optimus. Optimus had a book from my bookshelf, he seemed to be entranced by it that I felt bad for interrupting him.

Walking closer to him, I noticed that Optimus had a small paperback book called, "Animal Farm" by George Orwell. Optimus then looked up towards me when he heard me approach him.

"What you think so far?" I asked him, pointing to the book.

Optimus looked back at the book and only hummed, thinking on what to say, "It is interesting, but how are the animals living in that state with the cruel farmer?" He asked.

I smirked up at him and shrugged my shoulders, "You'll have to keep reading if you wanna know what happens. I'll let you borrow it, and if you like, we can talk about it when you're done. I mean if you want to." Not trying to sound excited, but was probably failing at it.

I loved to talk about books and have other people's opinions and thoughts about characters and the stories.

....I was such a bookworm.

Optimus smiled, "It sounds like an interesting idea to do. I would like to participate in it." He agreed to my idea, which caused me to mentally fist-bump.

"Great!" I said, a little too loud than what I expected it to sound.

Optimus chuckled and put the book on his back pocket for safe keeping, "Alright then, I believe we should get going if we want to arrive in time to the party."

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