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The world is dark. Not just at night but all day too. This weird phenomenon only happens during storms. I grew up in a fairly safe place. My parents always said that we lived in a bubble because we never really got any bad storms that damaged areas around us.

But, the bubble is fragile. And sometimes it can pop which would then allow terrible storms to rip through my hometown. Maybe it was from being terrified of the movie 'twister' but ever sense I can remember, I've always been terrified of storms. I would have really bad panic attacks every time I storm rolled through. I would have awful nightmares of a tornado randomly touching down in my backyard and I would get sucked into it. It was so bad to the point where I would start breathing heavy if my parents weren't home to comfort me through it.

Now, I don't need my parents. Because now I have him. My best friend, and soul mate David. He holds me even when there isn't a storm outside. He's there for me in times of self doubt and he always is there to cry with me when I need to cry.

He's is the only one I need. But he doesn't need me.

Okay well this actually sucks. I really wanted to write but I get these weird bursts when I want to write but then it slowly like dies off for some reason? That's why the next few oneshots are going to be dated all over the place because I finished them at different times. Okay love you guys ❤️


275 words

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