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In this one shot David is 13 and Liza is 13 when they first meet and then later David is 15 and Liza is 14. I know that Liza is older than David in real life but just go with it lol.
Oh and if it is in italics that is Liza now thinking back on that period of time

Liza's POV:

Everyone says that this is the age of technology. That's true I guess but it's not like everyone meets through technology. I'm currently 13 and every single one of my friends I've met in person. So is this the age of technology really?

Ohhhh honey just wait. You'll meet someone. Someone you have been needing to meet your entire life.

It's currently 7:30 pm and I'm finishing up getting ready for a cute little party my friends are having.

After party cause I'm lazy lol:

I won't go into detail but there was a lot of awful singing, dancing, truth or dare, pictures, and lots and lots of food.

Soon enough I was home and I was feeling great. It was a typical 8th grade party. No smoking or drinking just pure happiness with all of us.

Randomly, I got a call from a boy at school that I kinda had a crush on but didn't want to tell him.

I wish I could go back in time and fucking slap you right now. HE IS NOT CUTE. STOP HONEY STOP. THERE IS SOMEONE MUCH BETTER FOR YOU COMING SOON. This small 8th grade crush will not last long.

I answered it feeling small butterflies. Turns out he was having a little party of his own with a few friends of his. I got all of their numbers that night but I didn't really know any of their names. I talked and talked until it was midnight and we all hung up. I then just sat on my bed feeling high almost. I was so full of happiness that I felt high for the next week.

Over that week though, I started texting one of my crushes friends that I semi met over that FaceTime call. I had no idea what he looked like or even what his voice sounded like but I felt an instant connection with him just from texting.

Is that crazy? I mean yeah I guess. We continued texting almost everyday. He didn't even feel real. Soon enough we shared pictures of each other and got to know each other, strangely, really well. About a month later we called each other for the first time. I was speechless. Literally I forgot how to talk when I heard David's voice for the first time.

Four months later David and I officially met. It was really awkward and we didn't really talk. We both felt safe texting and to meet in person was crazy and kinda weird.

A month later school was out and I went to his house for the first time for a friend get together. We watched a movie played board games and I even got to meet and form a sort of connection with his best girl friend and his cute little dog.

Seems like the perfect connection right? I know what you are thinking. This whole time they didn't flirt or anything? Oh we did. Or at least I thought. We even have pet names for each other. But no, he was too perfect for me. We talked about dating but it never led to us actually dating. We talked about what we look for in others and that we both want goofy relationships that stick together for a while. Not just break up in two weeks.

He is and will forever be someone I love. And he even said that he loved me too.

Now it's me currently. I'm Liza Koshy and I am head over heels in love with David Dobrik. I feel as if we have a connection but I just don't know anymore. Especially after last night.

The previous night:

After my parents went to bed I got a call from David. I felt the connection again and we laughed and talked for hours. Somewhere around 2am we both fell asleep listening to each other breath soundly. Some might think that is creepy or weird but it's comforting to me. Knowing that we are comfortable enough to just fall asleep while on the phone. It's comforting to know that the person you love is still breathing. I put a blanket around my self and grabbed a pillow to grab onto while we talked until we both fell asleep I guess just feeling like we were next to each other cuddling which I know David is a sucker for.

Soon after I fell asleep I had a dream. It was a good dream actually. David and I were just talking while looking at his ceiling as we relaxed on his bed. I don't know what we were talking about but he looked at me while I was still talking on and staring at the ceiling. Soon, I stopped and I glanced over to him just to see what he was looking at. We locked eyes and they just felt like they were full of love and happiness. It felt like a short amount of time but it must have been pretty long that I was just staring into his golden brown eyes.

The first thing out of his mouth was, "Hey"

Considering we said that to each other hours ago when he let me into his house, it kinda just made me laugh.

We smiled at each other until he unexpectedly put both of his strong hands around either side of my waist pulling me on top of him with our faces just inches apart. His eyes fluttered shut and out of instincts mine did too as he leaned his head forward brushing his soft pink lips against mine almost like asking if he could kiss me. I've been dreaming of this since I was 13 so of course I dipped my head down and kissed him lightly but passionately. We broke away slowly, still with his hands on either side of my waist.

"Hey" I replied with a chuckle.

But that was all of course just a dream and I woke up still on the phone with David breathing contently probably dreaming of some other girl.

I don't know if this is good or not. I mean I hope it's good lol.

If anyone wants to talk please hit me up cause I really need to talk to someone rn too lol

Please comment, hit that star button and follow me. Love all of you no matter what others say❤️

February 16th
1128 words

Diza oneshots❤️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora