Chapter Three: Executing the Mission

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So far, the X-Force's mission was going smoothly as planned.

While Jeno's unit remained occupied in trying to get inside the building through the elevator in the parking lot, Mark and Haechan proceeded to walk in without the workers noticing their disguise. Haechan did his best to remain calm as Mark strode in with authority, getting in character.

The policemen and women that passed by them paused to greet him with a bow despite being shocked to see him. "S-Sir!"

The Mark-in-disguise returned a nod towards them, not bothering to waste his time talking.

It seemed like the disguise was working.

After some time, another policeman happened to encounter them and had the same reaction— wide-eyed. "S-Sir, what are you doing here? I thought you were on your way for a meeting with the other officials?" Mark and Haechan continued to walk at a fast pace, which made the man follow them from behind, trying to catch up.

The reason why they were falling for it was that Mark disguised himself as the chief of the police department.

"Use this mask. It will be very advantageous to your role." Was what Renjun told him.

Haechan gave the man a look but did it cautiously. As much as he wanted to get out of that situation fast and accomplish their mission, he didn't want the man to be suspicious of him.

He should've expected this to happen since Mark was using someone else's identity— someone with a higher rank than most of these people.

"I came back in a hurry." Replied by Mark using the voice changer inside the mask he was wearing. "I have forgotten a few necessary documents."

"It's not a regular mask. Once you've used it, you'll see." And as soon as Mark found out what it was while checking the mask— especially the improvised device that was pinned close to the mouth— he instantly knew he had to make little tweaks. Though, he never tried it out beforehand and only used it at this moment.

He was a little worried if it blew his disguise away.

"But, sir," It worked. "you should've asked someone else to—"

"It's fine." Mark took a stop to face the man, making the other two do the same. Knowing that the voice changer worked fine gave him more confidence to act his role. "I was escorted by him so you don't have to worry." He motioned at Haechan, who gave the man a nod.

Both boys noticed the man's look of suspicion towards Haechan but they continued with their acts. Haechan stood steadily on his spot, mentally hoping that the man would buy it.

The man continued to grow suspicious of Haechan so Mark decided to save the moment. "We're in a hurry so can you leave us now?"

Ashamed, the man quickly bowed in apology before sprinting off. Finally. The two boys felt relieved at this as they watched him run farther and farther from them.

Once they made sure he was out of reach, Haechan finally let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "I thought he would never leave." He mumbled low enough for Mark to hear.

ILLICIT ° nct dream, wayv + srgDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora