Chapter Eleven: First Day of Training

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"I have decided to include her in our next mission." Mark told everyone straightforwardly.

"What?!" Everyone exclaimed in shock, even Koeun herself.

"And in order to execute that, she needs to live with us for a while." Mark added after.

Everyone in the living area was in a state of shock. It was shown on how they gape at Mark, horrified of what he was planning to do.

They didn't see it coming. As far as the X-Force members know, he was just keeping her around because he couldn't stop himself from taking her in to treat her wound. Koeun, on the other hand, only saw herself as their hostage— a hostage that they only need to keep. A hostage that they can use against the headquarters.

They didn't think it would reach this point. She didn't think it would reach this point. They all thought of this idea as ridiculous.

What is he thinking?! Was everyone's thought.

That was when they recovered from their state of shock and angrily bombarded him with their reactions.

"What the hell, Mark?!"
"Are you kidding me?!"
"This will not end well."
"Why her?!"
"Why do you have to get me involved?!"

Mark heard all of their synchronized exclaims but Koeun seemed to overlap theirs. And so he averted his attention back to her to speak. "I think it's only fair for you to pay me back for saving your life."

What? Koeun's eyebrows knitted together, looking at him in disbelief. "And now you're telling me that I owe you my life?" She huffed. "Since when did you even save me?" I can't believe this!

"You wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for me." Mark pointed out before jutting his chin at her forehead. "Your wound would've turned worse if I didn't decide to take you in."

Koeun was taken aback and one of her hands quickly raised itself to gently touch the wound on her forehead, only to feel it patched up.

So he was responsible for this?

"Mark," After processing what their leader has just revealed to them, Haechan tried to speak up. "we didn't agree to this." He spoke through gritted teeth although he tried not to burst out again in front of them.

"You don't have a choice." Mark told him. "It's either we go through with my plan or we won't execute another mission at all."

Haechan's jaw clenched more as he looked away, controlling himself so he wouldn't erupt at him. If he wasn't the leader, it wouldn't be like this.

"But why would you let her get involved?" A confused Renjun decided to join in. "Are you sure she wouldn't do anything to ruin the whole mission? I mean, she's not on our side."

"I agree with Renjun." Jaemin stepped beside him, agreeing. "You may be our leader but at least explain to us why we need her." After that, his eyes diverted towards Koeun's way. And one by one, the others did too.

Koeun only felt uncomfortable when she felt their gazes at her. She saw herself as a mere innocent being surrounded by ferocious beasts. It felt like she was trapped and she couldn't find a way to escape from them unless she goes with the flow, or if somebody else pulled her out of this situation.

"I'll explain it later." Mark finally spoke, earning the boys' attention back. "For now, she needs to eat. She will have her combat training after that with Jisung, and then with Jeno for the weapons."

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