Chapter Thirty-nine: Reuniting with Chief Jung

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Dedicated to:
cosmilke mintyxuxi
JIPWARK minsyeuga
M00MINRENJUN wonjinverse


The time continued to run as the boys focused on their tasks. During Jaemin's encounter with the Elites' Hina, Jeno and Jisung were still occupied in fighting the other Elites members.

It was taking them long because the other two wouldn't just let them get away.

They noticed how stronger and faster they had become during the fight, and wondered about what they had done during the last two days. The day of the ambush, as it was the last time they had seen them, wasn't even long ago.

One. Two. Three. Xiaojun had thrown fast consecutive punches at Jeno, who managed to catch up with his speed and blocked all of it. Xiaojun's movements quickened as he took a step forward with each attack, causing Jeno to move back with the same pace.

Seeing his opponent was only bothered by it, Xiaojun raised a leg to kick him in the face. Jeno saw this and pushed his feet far back to avoid it. Since his kick didn't reach Jeno, Xiaojun pushed his foot down, took a twist, and raised his other leg for the second kick but to no avail.

Meanwhile, Jisung had thrown a batch of punches at Yangyang as well. The Chinese boy had tried his best avoiding at all costs, moving back. Jisung continued to come forward, throwing different attacks using his hands and legs until he somehow got him cornered.

Yangyang got too immersed in blocking when he felt the back of his legs bumping against what would seem a table's edge. Glancing to his side, he searched for anything to use until he spotted a flower vase. His eyes slightly widened at this. Nice.

Jisung lifted a leg to kick him but Yangyang caught his ankle, abruptly stopping him. He then shoved it hard, almost causing Jisung to wobble. As Jisung tried regaining his balance, Yangyang quickly grabbed the vase and raised it to hit Jisung's head.

The younger boy, who just successfully set his foot down in a more stable manner, caught a glimpse of Yangyang's swift attack. No! He didn't have too much time to think and grabbed anything he could get his hands on.

Once his hands got a hold of something flat yet somewhat sturdy, he raised it just in time to cover himself. The glass vase smashed against it; the broken pieces went flying in different directions. It was only that moment Jisung found out that he was holding a laptop.

Just as soon as the shards had almost landed on the floor, Jisung swung the laptop aggressively and hit Yangyang in the face. The strong impact had thrown him away and dove straight to the floor.

Unto the other fighting tandem, Xiaojun noticed his attacks were only making both of them waste energy, so he grabbed a nearby swivel chair and threw it like a flying saucer at his way. Jeno's pupils dilated at the sudden attack and quickly ducked, letting it hit the wall behind him.

Jeno couldn't help but grit his teeth. He knew he was succeeding at blocking and avoiding his attacks but he knew he couldn't keep this up. He needed to find a way to end this.

Letting his eyes scan their surroundings for a short time, he spotted his gun lying on the middle of the floor. Got it. He immediately scrambled towards it, hoping to get it before anyone could.

To Jeno's disappointment, Xiaojun saw what he was about to do and beat him to it, sliding against the floor to kick it away, also blocking Jeno's path.

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