Chapter Five: Sweet Escape and Bitter Outcomes

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"Take a rest first before you do." Was Mark's last message towards the girl as he pointed his gun at her. His words made the girl widen her eyes in fright, her brown orbs showing the fear that was taking over her.

Her helpless state made Mark hesitate. His cold eyes didn't show it but her situation gave him a little guilt. Either way, he still pulled the trigger, with the deafening sound instantly filling the room as the bullet pierced through her.

No! Koeun opened her mouth to let out a scream but the shot was faster, cutting her off. It hit her leg yet she didn't feel the pain that would resemble a gunshot nor blood oozing out of her. It only stung her for a bit like an ant's bite, which made her confused.

What's... happen... ing...

Her thoughts were already affected since it didn't even take long for its effect to spread inside her. It caused her to feel light-headedness. Her weakened limbs were becoming numb. Her vision was becoming blurry and swirly. Then, she felt her eyelids becoming heavy, wanting to cover her eyes.

Whatever that was in that bullet, she knew it drugged her.


Koeun couldn't finish her thought since her eyelids finally closed themselves along with her body falling to her side. She felt herself hitting the cold floor and she couldn't do anything about it. The last thing she saw was his face that showed no mercy before finally losing consciousness.

Mark was silently watching this just before another voice boomed inside the office. "Mark, we have to leave. Now!"

Turning around, he saw Haechan being utterly serious and alarmed to even notice what he did, making Mark conclude that the situation turned bad. He gave him a nod and moved his feet in a hurry, following Haechan out of the office and leaving the unconscious girl.

It was her fault for barging in without backups.

"What happened?" Mark asked him just as they stepped out.

Haechan opened his mouth to speak but before he could, they saw another agent— a male one this time— emerging from one of the hallways. The agent also saw them, became alarmed, and continued running towards them.

The agent, Lucas, heard about what happened in the bathroom down below earlier, and when he arrived at the scene, he heard Yangyang's voice yell out Koeun's name.

"Where is she going?" He asked as soon as he approached Yangyang.

"I don't know. We were just talking about the explosion and she ran away. She seemed to have figured something out."

He spent minutes trying to look for her on every floor above the one where the explosion took place, but he wouldn't have arrived at this point if it wasn't for the gunshot that he heard on the floor he was in. Koeun's name instantly popped into his mind, and so he followed the direction where he thought he heard it.

He wasn't mistaken after seeing these two strangers coming out of the chief's office.

"We don't have time to chit-chat." Haechan said before pulling an object out of his pocket. It was an improvised smoke grenade Chenle had made. He removed its ring, and with a smirk, he threw it towards the agent's direction.

As the grenade did a little bounce on the floor, Haechan and Mark were already sprinting away.

The agent, Lucas, stopped in his tracks when he saw the grenade hit the floor and quickly took cover just as it exploded. A wooshing sound was heard as it began to fill the floor with thick, white smoke, covering Haechan and Mark's tracks.

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