Chapter Thirty-five: Broadcasting Live

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Dedicated to:
VERYCHEOL songaelee


"Renjun," Mark spoke as he casually walked out of the elevator, entering the dark hallway. "I'm on it. Where to?"

The said boy, Renjun, who was still inside the security room, leaned more towards the computer screen, checking where Mark was. His glasses showed the screen's reflection as his eyes remained affixed on it. "Take a turn."

Mark listened to his instructions and took a turn, greeted by an adjoining hallway. Lucky for him, people weren't around so it was easy for him walk around, even when he was disguising as a journalist.

"The production control room is in the second door."

Glancing around, Mark made sure no one would appear out of nowhere before he stopped in front of a door, red in color. He slightly pressed his ear against it, listening for a good, three seconds, hearing faint voices, both recorded and not. As expected. By this, his hand turned the knob, opened the door, and went inside.

"Mark is in." Renjun informed the others. Jeno and Jaemin were still walking around the building when they received the news. Jisung and Haechan had just secured the perimeters, while Chenle remained inside the van.

Once Mark was in, the workers inside noticed his sudden and unwanted appearance. They were standing up, about to tell him to leave, but Mark quickly pulled his gun out from his waistband and shot all of them. One by one, the bodies fell down to the floor, already feeling the drug taking effect on them. The sound of gunshots could not be heard from outside due to the silencer he had used.

Mark didn't waste any time and hurriedly made his way towards the front, placing his gun back on his waistband. His eyes scanned the programs and previews on the video monitor wall before it drifted down to the vision mixer. "Okay, Renjun, I'm going to need your help on this."

"You got it, sir." Renjun unknowingly smiled to himself, eager to throw instructions at him. He wasn't an expert about the technology broadcast stations use but he learned about it last night.

It wasn't an easy task, but that's why he is in the group.

As Renjun helped Mark operate the production control room, Chenle, on the other hand, was being eaten up by boredom. Renjun did give him a task, but he was growing tired because of it.

"This is too boring!" The boy whined dramatically, leaning back to stretch his back. It was already aching from slouching too much in front of the laptop screen.

He swore he heard it crack.

"Why do I have to stay in the van?" His monologue continued as he let out a sigh. "I can fight too! I know how to handle guns!"

Remembering how Jisung wouldn't train him enough to fight made him frustrated. Perhaps it was why he wasn't as skilled as them when it comes to fighting, or perhaps it was just because he couldn't become as skilled as them. Either way, he still wanted to improve and go out for missions.

Out of frustration, Chenle began thrashing his arms, ended up looking like a chicken flailing its wings. One of his hands hit the ceiling on the process, making him cradle it on his chest and hiss in pain. "My hand!"

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