Chapter 1

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Every day for the past 100 years, he has thought of nothing but her. Once he made the decision to finally admit to her that he would have fallen in love with her if he had not removed his name from the Rock of Three Incarnations, he has thought of nothing but his Jiu'er, his Xiao Bai, his naughty little 9 tailed fox. He desperately misses teasing her, her pout, her voice, her smile, her hugs...

Dong Hua Dijun sighed as he petted the velvety soft tuft of her fur that he keeps hidden on his waist. He attempted to regain focus on the sutra that lay in his hands. Being unsuccessful, he retired to his chambers in order to meditate, perhaps that would curb his increasingly obsessive thoughts of Feng Jiu

100 years earlier...

Bai Yi had suspected Dong Hua was harboring feelings for his daughter.

He knew how lively, talkative,troublesome, dare he say even obnoxious and sometimes headache inducing his daughter could be, and even though at times she could greatly exasperate him, she was his only child, he loved her- he knew her.

However, the prehistoric deity, former master of the universe who did not look a day over 50000 years, did not know his child. Dong Hua, who was famously known for not tolerating insolence, foolishness, crying, whining, excessive talking, pouting, and trouble making- somehow tolerated his daughter on an exponential level with the patience of Buddha himself!

He had witnessed with his own eyes, how his beloved Feng Jiu wrapped her delicate arms around Dijun - a sight that secretly made his blood boil with rage seeing his baby acting in such a way with this man. She has lost her mind! Had she not been taught to save face? Had she not been instilled with grace and dignity?

Even though he did not reciprocate the hugs and affections with his body, Dijun did not fight or resist his daughter's advances. Bai Yi swears he saw a quick flash of softness and a quick twitch of his lips when wrapped in Feng Jiu's embrace.

This was odd, very odd indeed. However when the Star Lord presented newly coronated Feng Jiu with such a sacred, well hidden, treasure- the hand drawn map of his - man to man- he knew this man had feelings for his daughter, Rock of Three Incarnations be dammed.

He sighed to himself, this was not the suitor he had in mind for his daughter. He wanted a lass, close to her age - from a good family to grow and learn with his daughter as peers, not someone as old as time itself, a man who has been around and who had controlled the universe. A man who had shed countless barrels of blood, mastered all sorcery of light and darkness, can manipulate time, and even ones own memories. No, no, no.

In a moment of weakness for his daughter's happiness, he had once proposed an arrangement between the two, even though deep down he knew Dong Hua would not commit.Part of him did this to prove to his daughter this man was not worthy of her love and loyalty, she would cease this foolish girly crush, stop day dreaming, and move on!

However once eyeing the gift, he realized Dong Hua, former master of the universe's heart was not the hard stone it was rumored to be.


"Bai Yi! Bai Yi?", the fox king impatiently called out.

"Huh, oh yes father, I'm sorry I was just thinking". Bai Zhi studied his second son for a moment and pensively sighed, "about???..."

"I agree with you father, that we should send Feng Jiu to the mortal realm to gather more training and is time"...

"Awh, yes my son", Bai Zhi proudly puffed out as he gently patted his son on the back, "I am delighted you now see things my way. Even though we are still searching for a suitable husband, she will still need to continue to grow her own skills and abilities...not rely on a man for every thing she needs.She is Queen of Qing Qiu for goodness sake, we do not raise useless women!"

With a smug, satisfied smile Bai Yi replied, " Yes father, you are we do not".

Bai Yi had a secret plan to continue to search for suitors while Feng Jiu was in the moral realm. This way she could not continue to sabotage their efforts. By the time she would return to Qing Qiu, there would be an arrangement in place, and that old prehistoric Dong Hua Dijun's affect on his daughter's life would be a thing of the past.

Three Lives Three Worlds: Calamities of the Heart (Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua)Where stories live. Discover now