Chapter 15

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A/N: Warning: Contains violence and blood. My apologies for this chapter being up later than expected, and please forgive spelling and grammatical errors.


"Zhe it is good to see you. I haven't seen you in weeks it seems" Bai Zhi was genuine when he welcomed Zhe Yan into the fox den...albeit he had arrived early for the family meeting, but there need not be a reason for Zhe Yan to visit. He was welcome anytime.

"Well Zhi I've been super busy lately, and besides... do I complain when weeks, even months go by when you all are frolicking around traveling the realms?"

"No I supposed not" Bai Zhi grinned as both men went in for tea and snacks. He shook his head to himself, he knew his phoenix brother could get in his "moods" at times.

Zhe Yan would never say out loud, but the real reason he has distanced himself from his fox family is due to guilt.


He was drowning in it...

The guilt was eating him alive.

Before her title of queen, Feng Jiu was first and foremost the only granddaughter of a man who has been a brother to him for most of his life. Keeping the secret of her love affair with Dong Hua was tearing him to pieces. He felt like he was betraying Bai Zhi, he hadn't been to the fox den since he found out about the pair of forbidden lovers.

No, it was not a feeling... it was an action. He was actively betraying Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi was a benevolent man, but fierce when he needed to be. The man did hold Dong Hua in very high esteem, but that doesn't mean the ugly side of him will not surface...after all Bai Yi's temper was inherited and not all from the empress.

He wonders what calamities will befall them all if her father and grandfather were to find out the true nature of Dong Hua's relationship with Feng Jiu. Seeing the wild, crazed look in Dong Hua's eyes when the man thought he would lose his lover sent chills down Zhe Yan's spine. A feeling that left him with an unnerved ominous sensation that he has not been able to shake.

Dong Hua will not let Feng Jiu go so easily. He never thought he would ever see his brother so unhinged and out of control. If her family were to force the fox queen away from the almighty deity, there is no doubt Dong Hua will bring war to Qing Qiu in order to get her back.

He wondered if the family meeting called to showcase Feng Jiu's magic was a front for Dong Hua to announce he was taking Feng Jiu away from them. Dong Hua could be tricky like that...

"Zhe Yan...Zhe Yan...are you all right?" Bai Zhi had said the man's name several times. Its been a long time since Zhe Yan was so unfocused.

"Oh Yes...just thinking. How about that tea now?" he said to deflect attention off of himself..."Feng Jiu will enjoy my new batch of peach tea leaves"

"Awh yes... my Xiao Jiu will love it Zhe Yan, thank you" Bai Yi seemed to appear out of nowhere holding a tray of freshly made sesame candies...his daughter's favorite.

The three men smiled at the thought.

"Seems like the lass has been gone for years instead of weeks" Bai Zhi said fondly of his only granddaughter

"Yes, it feels so empty here father", Bai Yi moaned.

He loved his only child dearly but under normal situations, he would not be present all the time... he did have his own territory and people under him he needed to get back to. Not to mention his wife.

Three Lives Three Worlds: Calamities of the Heart (Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua)Where stories live. Discover now