Chapter 17

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A/N: Trigger warning for violence and sexual assault, mention of abortion


"Man, Gao Ye who have to be the haaaarrrrdddest working man I know" Gao's friend and personal assistant Bin Zang patted him on the back while shaking his head as his boss...who breathed, slept, and ate nothing but Ye Industries.

Gao shook his head at Bin, "Bin I have known you since college, you should not be surprised"

"No, not surprised...just" he sighed "don't you ever just want to let loose and have fun? Gao you are young, stupidly handsome, and rich...and besides I'm tired of your father begging me to get you out of your house. I think he is ready for a grandchild"

Gao rolled his eyes. He was tired of his father and friend alluding to his getting married and having a kid. He was only thirty one. In his father's prime, being in your thirties and not married--- you might as well join the monastery but in current times there was nothing wrong with it.

"I should fire you" he deadpanned

"Aww don't be like that" Bin smirked, "And besides, I am not married nor have any kids, so we can grow old together, let people think we are xiao tuzis. "


Bin could not resist the laughter that erupted from him at the sight of his stiff, rock hearted unimpressed best friend to the reference that people would think they are gay for each other. He loved to tease Gao.

Gao Ye was so easy to tease.

After what seemed to be half a day, Bin Zang finally calmed down enough to speak coherently, "Look, why don't we go out this Friday just for a few hours. We can head out of there before the thirsty' s come in?"

"If I say yes....will you shut up about it?"

"Of course"

With a defeated sigh, Gao gave in "Fine, Ill go"

"Yessss!" Bin pumped his fist in the air obviously proud of himself.

"But... I better see the fifteen page market reports on my desk first thing in the morning" Gao said very smugly. He knew he was evil for this but Bin should have learned by now that you have to pay to play and that Gao Ye could not be bullied.

Bin had been so proud of himself, but with the sting of words from his evil boss and best friend, his smile immediately vanished upon hearing he had to complete the marketing report.

"You are super petty Gao Ye"

"Yes...the pettiest"


Friday came too soon and Gao was not ready for work to be over. He could easily work all night and not bat an eye.

He had a two track mind, and that was to keep the business thriving and to not disappoint his father, who had trusted him with the company.

He inherited the fourth generation family business a lot earlier in life than he expected.

However life doesn't always follow the expected linear path.

At twenty one...two months after his college graduation, his mother passed away suddenly from breast cancer. Apparently when she had went for her mammogram a few months prior, it was found that she had a very aggressive form that seemed to have come from out of nowhere.

She had suffered in silence for months- refusing to take any treatment after learning the side effects of treatment were just as bad, if not worse, than the actual cancer. Once she learned that there was a low rate of remission, even with treatment. She decided to carry on as if nothing was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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