Chapter 9

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Feng Jiu stirred from her sleep. Her eyes fluttering and were slow to open. It felt like balls of cotton had been inside of her was terribly dry.

It was silent...too silent. Only a slight candle flickered in the corner of the room, casting a yellowish glow against the dark walls. She racked her brain trying to remember what happened for her to be alone in a dark room. She feels like she has lost large chunks of time.

After a few moments when her eyes acclimated to the room, she slowly attempted to rise up from the bed. She feels silly when she realizes she is in her own chambers. She tells herself she must have come home with her grandfather after breakfast. She was secretly hoping Dong Hua would show up to the family meal, but remembered how awkward that would have been now that her aunt knows about their secret relationship....she smiles, she misses him already. It seems like they were supposed to spend time together after breakfast. Her memory is still fuzzy, but it seems perhaps her grandfather thought it best for her to return; after all she leaves for training in the morning.

"Ughh, why can't I think straight, why is my memory so unclear?" she whines to herself.

She lights up more of the room with candles and makes her way to the side table on the other side of the room in order to pour some tea. She gulps down several cups of the cool stale right after the other. She doesn't have the desire or need to conjure up a fresh pot.

She can't seem to quench her thirst, even though she has drunk too much too fast... so she sets the cup down in order to pace herself.

The atmosphere seems weird. It's a stillness that she is not used to and even though she is in her room the air is dull, and eerily quiet. She assumes it's in the middle of the night and everyone is sleeping, but she can't shake the feeling that something is not right.

She turns from her side table back towards her bed when she bumps into something hard. There is not supposed to be anything hard in her room for her to bump into so she immediately rolls her arms in position...ready for a defensive strike.

The familiar voice grunts as she has momentarily knocked the wind out of his lungs..."Xiao Bai, did you miss me so much that you are willing to attack me?" he says these words to her with a straight innocent face, but his eyes are full of mirth.

"Husband", she whispers into his chest as she calms out of her stance and her arms wrap tightly around his waist. She can't help but smile up at him as her eyes shine bright into his. She giggles coyly, "yes... I missed you, you scared me. How did you sneak in to my chambers?"

"Why should I have to sneak to see you Feng Jiu, you are mine remember. Who would dare to question me for seeking what is mine?"

"He sure is cocky", she thinks to herself...she blushes.

"So... everyone must be asleep then? No?..." she gives his sass right back to him with a smirk on her face.

He smirks back.

She wants to wipe the smirk off of his face, so her arms move from his waist to up around his neck, she urges his head down to her level so she can plant a kiss on his lips. He complies and lets her cover his lips with her own.

Out of all those cups of cold, stale tea she drank, not a one did anything to quell the thirst and dryness within her...nothing seems to ever quench her like a deep kiss from Dong Hua Dijun..."Even his saliva is magic", she giggles in her mind.

She moans his name in pleasure as the scent of sandalwood envelopes her, "Dong Hua...mmmhhm...Dong Hua"

Even though she started the kiss, he always seems to take control of her mouth. He kisses her slow and deep...its feels like he is trying to reach down into her soul. Her body is on fire.

Three Lives Three Worlds: Calamities of the Heart (Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua)Where stories live. Discover now