Chapter 7

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A/N: Includes mature sexual content...aggressive sexual content. 


Sexually satiated and physically nourished, Zhao Wang sat in his study devising the next phase of his plans. His advisers had been training the small herd of Nian beasts. These beasts are ferocious and he will spend the next few days letting them acclimate to his scent, he will then take over their training.

The Nians were huge angry beasts having the head of a lion with the body of a muscled bull. Like the blood dragons, these creatures were also thought to be extinct. Zhao Wang smiled to himself... "Oh the shock on your face once you set your eyes upon me Dong Hua"... his eternal immortal enemy.

He was greatly surprised when his advisers informed him Dong Hua had retired and was no longer an active ruler of the realms. Even though he continued to attend court and oversee new immortals, he rarely offered his guidance. If his opinion or guidance was needed...they would have to ask for his assistance, he usually would not volunteer it. The gossip surrounding him was he now lead a life of leisure and often spent his days playing chess or go. When he wasn't playing games his face could be found in Buddhist mantras or perhaps he could be found engaging in scholarly writing. He had no wife or active harem, and had no known children. He did not meddle with worldly affairs or meddle in the affairs of others. He maintained a celibate lifestyle now in order to maintain peace of the realms.

Zhao Wang was speechless to this revelation. It fueled his anger and hatred for the white haired deity... while he was left for what was supposed to be an eternal slumber; Dong Hua had been living it up free to do whatever he wanted as the realms most revered god. He wanted to vomit...

His revenge plot should take hold much easier than expected, given Dong Hua was pretty much useless these days... "A deity better suited for picture hanging", Zhao Wang smirked to himself...oh how things have changed.


"Lover's spat?" Cheng Yu teased the Star Lord after bearing witness to Dong Hua dragging Feng Jiu out of the Fairy Festival.

Si Ming was not amused, what could have happened to cause the scene before him. He had never seen that look on Dong Hua's face in the two hundred thousand years he was been with him. Why was he holding Feng Jiu's hand and why was he pulling on her, was she in danger? She was supposed to be with her grandfather. Where was Bai Zhi? His anxiety was climbing.

He pulled Cheng Yu arm..."I must go check this out, something is not right here, I don't have a good feeling about this. There is no reason for them to interact, just this morning Dong Hua appeared angry at the prospect of seeing the little princess. She is supposed to be attending  with her grandfather, there is no way Dong Hua would be touching her if Bai Zhi was in attendance"

"What a fool, men are so blind", she thought as she shook her head at Si Ming..."Si Ming it is obvious you do not know your master as well as you think you do. That my friend was the look of a jealous lover...whatever happened in there, Dong Hua obviously did not take well to it. Feng Jiu is beautiful and he is not the only one to see it"...she smirked; she always knew he liked her more that he let on. Dong Hua is not the hard stone he wants people to believe he is.

"Lover?" he spat more harshly than he intended. "He is not her lover Cheng Yu"

"Welllll, weren't they husband and wife in the moral realm?"


"Wellll...there you go her lover...her lover Si Ming", she chuckled she enjoyed aggravating him. She has always thought Si Ming carried a crush for Feng Jiu, but of course he would never admit to having anything more than brotherly affections towards her. His fear of what Dong Hua might do to him has kept his true feelings hidden.

Three Lives Three Worlds: Calamities of the Heart (Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua)Where stories live. Discover now