Chapter 10

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"My most humble apologies my lord, but the Queen is not available today...just like she was not available yesterday or the day before. It will be my pleasure to get a message to her...again" Mi Gu was becoming annoyed he had told the young prince several days ago that Feng Jiu was still in recovery, but the prince was too obtuse to heed.

"I understand, but if I could just get a glimpse of her resting form, I am quite concerned as I was there with her. We were enjoying a date the day she fought the beast and took the strikes", Wen Chang was desperate... he knew he was being untruthful about their time together being a date, but he had been waiting for days and days to see her. Every time he was blocked by the tree sprite...for the past five consecutive days.

"It would be inappropriate to allow such, you are not family"

"I am her future betrothed!" He irrationally demanded

Mi Gu wanted to roll his eyes so badly. If he had a piece of gold for every man that claimed some type of ownership over Feng Jiu, he would be a very rich man. In the many years he has served, between Feng Jiu's and Bai Qian's many suitors, he is surprised he has maintained his sanity.

Wen Chang wanted to roll his eyes so badly. He felt like the tree sprite was hiding something about Feng Jiu, but what could he do? He was genuinely concerned for her, but could not seem to get passed the guard tree. He had such a nice time with her at the impromptu picnic before the chaos erupted. Their conversation flowed nicely...she was intelligent, she excelled at the flute, her beautiful smile, and innocent yet mischievous eyes. Feng Jiu was it for him, he didn't know what it was about her, but he felt a pull to at first sight...they were fated, he could feel it. He was also hoping to get more information on Dong Hua. It took every ounce of willpower not to ask her about the old deity, it was quite a scene to watch her being dragged out of the festival and he wanted to know why the revered god had his hands on what was soon to be his. However he held his tongue, he didn't want to scare her away from him. He could not allow himself to be another name on her sabotaged suitors list. He didn't want his beloved to know how jealous his heart could be.

"Well Mi about Emperor Bai Zhi? Or Feng Jiu's father...even though I have never formally met him, I'm sure he would allow audience with me."

"The Emperor is in an important meeting and Lord Bai Yi has left to attend to..." Mi Gu began but was rudely interrupted by the uninvited visitor...

"Well who do I speak to tree sprite? I will not leave, I wish to have an audience with Queen Feng Jiu!" Wen Chang was losing his patience, the insolence of this servant was unnerving.

Mi Gu smiled sweetly, "I'm sorry"... Mi Gu could see the hope in his eyes, but before he could dash them and turn him away once again...four imposing powerful deities smoothly erupted from the entrance of the fox den. Including a particular tall, straight faced, purple robed, white haired man unhurriedly gliding towards him as if walking on water.

Wen Chang could not believe it...he wanted to vomit.

As he looked upon them, their power was evident and filled the surrounding area with the aura of greatness. Even the flowers seemed to bend to them as they leisurely strolled as if no cares in the world. Faces stoic yet all-knowing and observant. Wen Chang wondered what business Dong Hua Dijun had at the fox den, perhaps his earlier assumptions that he was a friend to the Fox Emperor were correct. He, like everyone else, had heard the rumors of a tight four pack brotherhood but had never had access or known of anyone close enough to them in order to confirm...until now. He did not know what it was about the purple robed deity that rubbed him the wrong way. The man was a legend...former ruler of all the realms, forthright and vicious. A man whose hands have battled many...a walking Buddhist sutra. Wen Chang should be grateful, he knew this. However the illogical feelings of dislike and jealousy overrode his feelings of gratefulness and reverence to the almighty Dong Hua. This man was stiff, rude, gave no cares to affairs happening around him. Thinking on it, he believes his grandmother has a portrait of him hanging in her parlor. He was also beyond arrogant with a stone cold expressionless ice face. From his observations, Dong Hua was a possible love rival...and if Feng Jiu could be swayed by this old man with the young man's face, then he knew he did not have a chance against the greatness of a walking legend.

Three Lives Three Worlds: Calamities of the Heart (Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua)Where stories live. Discover now