Chapter 13

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"Well done Xuan An"...Zhao Wang praised as he affectionately caressed his son through Bida Ala's swollen stomach. He had decided to change her name from a mortal realm African name to Xuan An. He felt like she had earned her place amongst him and his single harem. "You have accomplished a task in one day, where it took my men weeks with no success", he boasted. He had chosen well in selecting the mortal, but had his men grown weak during his long slumber?

The normal full term pregnancy for an immortal was three years, however for mortals the full term for pregnancy was nine months. Neither one of those time frames would do. Zhao Wang did not have time for all of that. Since his son was half immortal, with dark magic, the normal three year gestation period could be safely shortened to three months. That magic was not without consequences. Not only did he have to give three drops of his dragons heart blood, he also had to drain the blood from a first born male- which one if his loyal young soldiers volunteered himself for the duty.

One and one half months had passed since the mortal's she was now at the half way mark and she was huge. Initially he had planned on using the woman for the sole purposes of birthing his many as he could get from her before she was of no more use. However he had grown to somewhat care for her, she was after all the mother of his first child and he hoped she could give him a handful of strong sons. He did not want to father a daughter...he would make sure of it. He would not want some random man to do things to his daughter that he had done to other women...what other men had done to his own sister.

It was too bad Xuan An was a mortal. After childbirth he would have to impregnate her again swiftly or she too would suffer consequences of the dark magic. He was ready to migrate back to the immortal realm but decided to wait until she gave birth since she was so far along. As long as she was carrying his child, she could withstand the forbidden magic and also the changes of being in the immortal world once they migrated back over, being that he was of dark energy, her energy source would drain too fast in his realm. Xi Wu was hunting down ancient text looking for spells that ensure her immortality without going through the usual ascension process of the celestials. The celestial ascension process was too drawn out...and to jaunty. The celestials were really always extra and doing the most, besides that, they would never accept her if they knew she had been marked by a blood dragon.

Zhao Wang had also learned over the past few weeks that his mortal lover was quite clever, mischievous, and rather malicious in her thinking. He had mistaken her physical purity for innocence of her heart...he was sorely mistaken. She was like no other woman he had ever met...mortal or immortal. She was just as cunning and conniving as Xi Wu.


"So this Fox Queen you wish to have, she resides in what you call the nine heavens?" The newly renamed Xuan An was trying to gain comprehension of the complexities of the immortal world. She tried to liken it to earth with the many territories, cultures, and people. Instead her captor turned lover, and father to her child, his world seemed unreal, but she knew it was real. It would take her a while to wrap her mortal mind around such foreign concepts. Even though from a young age it was prophesied she would be in this position...she could have never imagined it would be like this.

"Yes Xuan An, that is correct...Bai Feng Jiu is in the nine heavens"

"And it is a place for light deities?"


"And you and your people are not considered light, you are from the dark realm"

"Correct Xuan An, you are catching on" He quipped, proud of his dark origins.

"So the one you call Dong Hua...he resides in the nine heavens with Bai Feng Jiu...her lover and your sworn immortal enemy?"

"Yes", he cringed at the thought, but he could get a two for one deal out of this. He would kill his immortal enemy while gaining a new queen to place by his side. He would test her purity but if her seal was broken, he would be sure to erase all of Dong Hua's essence away with his own by filling her over and over with his potent seed.

Three Lives Three Worlds: Calamities of the Heart (Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua)Where stories live. Discover now