Chapter 2

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With beads of sweat running down her face, Feng Jiu raised her hand to halt the advancement of her teacher. For the last 100 years she has been weapons training. Prior to her coronation, she was such a spoiled lass, but being Queen of Qing Qiu, she had to grow up overnight. The safety of her people were at stake. How could she effectively lead her people if she herself was not willing to put herself on the front lines - in the event some calamity or dangerous twist of fate fell upon her lands and the people she was sworn to protect. With only a few days before she left for the mortal realm for continued learning, she had been working tiredly to get through the remaining lessons before she took leave.

"Again!" her teacher spoke softly, but firmly.

"Uncle please, just one moment"

"Again, Feng Jiu, there are no moments to spare on the battlefield"

In her tiredness and lack of patience for her uncle Bai Zhen, who for some reason has been grating her nerves all day, Feng Jiu whisked around with her sword raised to meet her teachers. The smug smirk on his lips, grated her even further- she did not have time for all this right now.

As metal clanked upon metal, she quickly disappeared and suddenly reappeared behind her uncle. In a daze and in wonderment, he wasn't fast enough to miss the dull kick to his bottom that lay him on the ground. As he turned and stared wide eyed at his niece, he was speechless. However his eyes were full of mirth and merriment at what had just happened.

Feng Jiu was speechless herself, she was not sure how she managed to do that- something only High Gods were able to pull off and as of yet she was not even a high immortal.

"Im..I..Im sorry Fourth Uncle", she stammered out as she ran to his side. "I...I"

"Hush child and help this old man to his feet, this is quite a phenomenon. I know you do not understand what just happened I barely do, but this is a wonderful sign niece. I sense a great power within you. Image how powerful you will be once you reach high immortal. I think you will one day become the second high goddess in all the realms, you are already rumored to be the second most beautiful already yet you are still a pup! Come now, that will be all for today". Bai Zhen spoke as he lovingly held her shoulders and patted her hair.

Her uncle loved to tease her. She rolled her eyes, huffed and scoffed but said nothing; she had a lot on her mind.

Later that day...

"She did what!" Bai Yi and Bai Zhi both roared in unison at the revelation at the Queen's development during weapons training. Her grandfather stood up proudly and paced as he fondled his slight beard. His two sons sat before him eyeing their father.

"It is good that she is set to begin further training, she will also start her daily meditations in order to help boost her cultivation- I sense within the next 5-6 months she will ascend to high immortal. 3 months in the mortal realm will give her 90 years of expedited training and upon her return she can continue gaining cultivation by going in seclusion upon her return.

"It is set, she will leave in 4 days' time. I will also escort her to the Fairy Festival in 2 days time in order to introduce her to many of the realms leaders and their heirs. It will be a good opportunity to show her lovely face", her grandfather grinned to his two sons delight. Bai Zhi would use this as a chance to seek out any potential worthy suitors. His granddaughter was growing into one of the top 3 beautiful women of the world- his wife - the Empress, his daughter - Crown Princess Bai Qian, and Feng Jiu. He smiled to himself at being the head of the household for the most - and soon to be the most desirable women.

He then continued..."after the festival, Bai Zhen take her to the village to meet with our people, and Bai Yi on the fourth day she will enter the mortal realm on the far south west sea side to attend her training"...

Three Lives Three Worlds: Calamities of the Heart (Bai Feng Jiu/Dong Hua)Where stories live. Discover now