The "Out of body" character redesign challenge

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Dragontamer: Hello all! With Kingdom Hearts 3 on the way and the fact I've been trying to come up with something of a challenge of my own for a while, I figured "why not do something like this?" What am I talking about you ask? Good question. The best name I could come up with for this was the "Out of body" character redesign challenge!

Dragontamer: So what is this challenge about? Well basically, should you choose to accept this challenge, you have to draw one or two characters(anyone from a game, movie, cartoon, or even an OC you have) as what you think they might look like as one of five Square-Enix creatures. Why is this called the "Out of body" character redesign challenge? Because the five creatures you can choose from relate to a part of the body. In a spiritual sense I mean.

Dream Eaters

Dragontamer: For those who don't know anything about Square-Enix or Kingdom Hearts in general, you're probably asking me "the heck are any of these things?" Well, we'll get to that. Let me explain the rest of this challenge for ya'll.

1. Pick a character to redesign. Anyone from a game, movie, cartoon, book, or even an OC you have.

2. Choose which of the five creatures you want to redesign your character into.

3. Look closely and throughly at the design of your chosen creature and think about how your character can be made into that creature.

4. Draw up your redesign. Take your time, no rush. It can take multiple pictures before you're satisfied with a redesign.

5. Post the final drawing in your artbook. If you don't have an artbook, you can post the picture in another book you have. Be sure to mention me and name your chapter for the drawing so I will know when you drew your picture.

6. Repeat if you want! You can do this as many times as you want with any character and any of the five creatures listed above. The combinations are endless!

Dragontamer: This challenge is open to anyone and will indefinitely. This challenge, I feel, can help improve your drawing skills and broaden your horizons and imagination. Plus, I think it'll be fun! Now, you're probably wondering "when will I get to explaining these creature things which none of you know about?" Well, (clears throat) I can't really explain these Heartless and Nobodies and such without confusing myself in their logic😖. However, I have an expert in the matter to explain for us!

Dragontamer: A Square-Enix character himself, he's much more then he seems. Prissy, sly, and far more intelligent and knowledgeable then the average person, this kid will have you wishing the day be over with already within five minutes of talking to him. Let me show you- Um, Josh? What are you doing?
Joshua: 🎶Forever on and on, I continue circling with nothing but my hate on a-🎶 Oh, is it time already? I do hope I wasn't disturbing you Dragontamer. *chuckles lightly*
Dragontamer: 😐 Were you singing that because when I first heard it, it was in a video about you and Neku?😒
Joshua: A nostalgic guess, but no. I figure the song fits these "creatures" really well. Especially the Heartless.
Dragontamer: You say that like the Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, and the others are more then simple creatures.
Joshua: Oh, but they are! Let me tell you. Come closer and sit down everyone. I've got quite the conversation to tell...

The Heartless

The Heartless

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