Chapter 11

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Heyyyyyy. Ur probably upset with what happened last chapter. I'm sorry! U still love me though right? Not edited


I walked into the party and was greeted by my friends. I'm wearing my leather rights and my black and white Aztec crop top along with my combat boots. My hair was curled into perfect beach curls and I had red hot lipstick on to pop out.

"you look amazing" Taylor complimented.

"thank you, you look pretty good yourself" I smiled. I got compliments left and right and felt so good. My confidence definitely got a boost. Then I spotted Matt. He was drunk again. Worse than that night I helped him. He was holding not one but four beer bottles.

"hi" he slurred.

"hi" I said awkwardly.

"you look beautiful" he said.

"Matt just go away" I said.

"no. I miss you. So I'm gonna stalk you all night" he said. I looked at him with my eyes wide. Then I grabbed a water bottle and threw it at him.

"drink that and go away, maybe it'll get me to like you better" I lied. I never stopped. I just can't trust him. He nodded anxiously and left. Hours had past and I've had so much fun. I've danced and chased. Yup I chased Cameron around. I was going up the stairs to find a bathroom but instead some dude grabbed my wrist. He was drunk as fuck.

"hey there pretty girl" he slurred. I rolled my eyes and yanked my hand away.

"fuck off I'm not in the mood" I snapped.

"oh c'mon" he said, snaking his arm around my waist. He tried to kiss me but I pushed him, not enough to get his arm off but to stop him from kissing me.

"stop!" I yelled. This guy was on the football team, he was too strong for me.

"no! Not shut the fuck up!" he commanded. This time he succeeded in kissing me. I pushed him again.

"HELP!!" I yelled. Finally he was pryed off of me and slammed against the other wall.

"wtf! Espinosa!" he yelled.

"stay the fuck away from her!" Matt yelled.

"she's not yours anymore. You have no right" he smirked. Matt did what Matt does best, he beat the living shit out of him. No one was able to pry him off! Finally Cameron let go of me, since he was holding me from Matt, I was crying uncontrollably. I ran to Matt and put my arms around his waist and pulled him off.

"Matt its me!" I yelled when he wouldn't let go of the guy. He froze, I dropped my arms and he let go of the dude. He turned around. I looked into his eyes, tears streaming down my face. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he pulled his arms around my shoulders.

"Aurora, I'm so fucking sorry. I really didn't want to hurt you-" he began but I shushed him.

"not here" I said grabbing his arm and pulling him into a room. "Matt you cheated on me, broke up with me, and you fought with Cameron." I sighed.

"I know and I'm sorry. Cameron threw the first punch I swear, I just defended myself. I didn't cheat on you, I broke up with you before I was with those girls! I broke up with you because I hated feeling guilty. They were college girls and they were all over me. I finally gave in when I broke up with you. All I could think about was you, they just kissed me and I automatically knew it was wrong. I literally pushed them off of me. They got hurt but I didn't care. I ran out of that place, I couldn't believe I broke up with you for no good reason. I did it out of fear. Fear that I would lose you, that you would get sick of me and find someone better. Not some whore who's slept with almost all the girls at school. I hated myself, and I was so scared of loosing you" he pained.

"Matt, how do you think I feel. I get jealous every single time a girl winks or touches you. Which is pretty much every second of every day. There are so many girls trying to snatch you away and I'm so afraid that one day, one of them might succeed." I said. I probably looked terrible, I wore water proof make up because I knew I was gonna sweat but my eyes are probably bood shot and puffy.

"Aria, I love you so much. You're my sun, you're my sea. You're my everything. I don't want to be with anyone else" he said. I ran into his arms. "I'm so sorry. I want you back! I've wanted you the second I laid eyes on you" he said.

"I forgive you" I cried into his shoulder. I pulled back and looked at him before crashing my lips to his. I'm missed those soft lips so much. He laid me down on the bed since we were in a bedroom. He hovered on top of me, trailing kisses from my lips to my jawline to my neck. I pulled his lips back to mine, wrapping my legs around his waist. Tangling my fingers in his hair. I missed this, I missed us.

I moaned against the kiss and pretty soon he did the same. I tugged at the hem of his shirt, he got it from the neck and pulled it off, exposing his abs. "damn Matt" I smiled. He just smirked his trademark smirk. I grazed my hands over his gorgeously toned abs. His tongue battled with mine. Then the door swung open revealing a drunk couple.

Matt quickly put his shirt back on and we exited the room. He drove me home and he wanted to sleep over. I led him to my room and changed into my pajamas. He had clothes in his car so he changed into those. We laid in bed together as he wrapped his arm tightly around my waist. His chin rested on my head as I buried it in his chest.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you more" he whispered back.

"that's literally impossible" I said. Kissing him once more before letting sleep take over.


Hey guys! Now I am really taking a break! Idk for how long but I swear I will be back, so don't delete this off ur library. Thank you.

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