Chapter 22

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IMPORTANT: Yeah ik the last chapter was short but this one will be longer than that thing. Only two chapters left after this. I will be starting the sequel right after this but I need like a week in between this ending and that starting. Anyways enjoy.
It's been two weeks since the accident. Matt's much better now, the cops found the car... crashed into a tree. The people weren't in there though, hopefully not hurt. Matthew got out of the hospital a couple days ago but he wouldn't let me see him until today. Since I stayed with him at the hospital he thought I needed my rest before I could see him since I barely slept.
I got out of bed and hopped into the shower, then I blow dried and straightened my hair. Matt is gonna be over soon.
"hey, you got any plans?" Cameron asked through the balcony.
"yup" I replied as I pulled my clothes on. Which pretty much consisted of a hug T-shirt, with my lace undergarments.
"kk, I'll be out with Shahista and Nash" he yelled back. "as the third wheel" I heard Cam mutter. I broke into laughter.
"you'll live" I said.
"doubtful" he replied.
Half an hour later the doorbell rang. I covered my bed with soft pillows and blankets. I pulled all the blinds and lit a couple candles. I let my Christmas lights hanging around my room glow to give it the cozy look, and in one word. Perfection.
I opened the door and Matt automatically engulfed me into a hug. I hugged him back, jumping into his arms. "I missed you so much" I mumbled into the hug.
"I missed you too." his hands slid against my bare legs. "fuck babe what are you wearing." he cursed under his breath.
"c'mon" I grabbed his hang, pulling him upstairs. I opened my door and he closed it behind him. "I wanted to cuddle with you." I smiled innocently.
"I love you." was all he said. Then he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it onto the floor. He tugged his pants off leaving him only in his boxers.
He walked close to me and cupped my face. Then he smashed his lips to mine. He demanded for entrance but I refused. Matt used one of his old tricks and bit my lower lip causing me to moan. He took this opportunity and stuck his tongue into my mouth.
*******************************************************************************************************Inappropriate starting*
His tongue lapped over mine, igniting my skin by the second. The things he does to me. He threw me onto the bed as his hand connected to my opening. This made me go haywire. Matt pushed my back against the headboard of my bed.
My nails dragged along his back as he sucked on my sweet spot. Matt's hands trailer to my bottom and he squeezed it. My fingers found their way to his soft and and I tugged on it, unable to bear the pleasure.
"I want you." Matt moaned against my skin.
"Then take me." I moaned back.

He laid me down on my back before pulling, more like tearing, off my shirt. Only leaving mt in my white lace 'bra and underwear. "I don't know if I want that off" Matt smirked. He trailed kisses down my body as he unhooked my bra with one hand.
He kissed the inside of my thighs before pulling off my underwear in one slick move. Then I felt his tongue against my opening. We've done this plenty of times, but I'll never get used to it. Soon his fingers were inside of my pumping in and out.
I pulled him back to my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he spoke. "baby, it's gonna hurt okay. "he whispered as he reached for his jeans, pulling out a bright red packet. He pulled off his boxers. "are you sure you're ready?" he asked me, full of concern.
"yes" I replied.
"okay, just tell me if you want me to stop" he warned once again.
"Matt!" I said. He slipped on the condom before looking at me in the eyes.
Matt finally thrusted in. The pain was absolutely unbearable. Tears started to sting my eyes. Matt moaned but tried to keep it in. His eye s were closed and his mouth was parted. "are you okay babe?" Matt asked.
"yeah, yah. Keep going." I said as my voice cracked.
"are you-" Matt began.
"yes I'm sure!" I replied, cutting him off. He thrusted in again. Paining me completely. The pain was so much but somehow it felt good. A tear slipped from my eye. I could see Matt was enjoying it, but he tried to hide it out of the concern he had for me.
Once again he thrusted, unable to keep his moan in. He thrusted once more before I felt him become undone into the condom. He tossed it into the trash and took my hand. "are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah" I confirmed, pressing my lips to his. "I'm gonna put some clothes on" I chuckled. I pulled on my bra and underwear and the t-shirt before looking back at Matt.
**********************************************************************************************inappropriate ended************
"I can get rid of your sheets" Matt offered. I looked at him quizzically then looked at my sheets. (for all you After readers, nothing is gonna happen like that). Sure enough there was a blood stain there.
I blushed furiously but Matt just smiled at me. "it's ok babe, don't be embarrassed." he laughed, making it worse.
"shut up!" I whine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. Once agin he crashed his lips to mine.
"I'm never gonna get tired of your lips" Matt said, his lips still on mine.

Well there you go!! Sorry it's short but this is the end. I mean there are still two chapters left but they're going to be around this size because it's the end of the book. ANYWAYS The SEQUEL will be called Breaking Bad. Nothing like the show lol. Anyways VOTE COMMENT ETC!!!

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