Chapter Four: I Like You

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So, the big question: How do you get past something like an awkward rebound, tipsy kiss?

Drake was racking his brain over and over after that party. How is Trent going to feel about this? And at the same time, he felt guilty. After all, Trent was vulnerable. He felt like he took advantage of him. He wasn't even sure how he'd react, considering he knew he had drunk alcohol. 

The worst part was the drive home. Michael dropped Charles and Ryan off first. Then he went to Trent's house. Neither Trent nor Drake spoke for the entire car ride, not even a goodbye when Trent left the car. Drake was awkwardly looking down in the back seat. 

"Drake." Michael was looking in the rearview mirror at him. "Want to get in the front seat?" 

Drake reluctantly walked around the car into the passenger side and got in. It was almost 1 am.  When he buckled in, he noticed Michael was looking at him.

"Care to tell me about your little party kiss?" He grinned, but not mockingly. More like he was actually interested.

Drake sort of wanted to tell him. He did need someone to tell about his feelings for Trent that, you know, wasn't Trent. 

"Look, I-I like him. A lot, actually. And, uh, he was upset so he went outside. I followed him. I, I don't even really remember what led up to him kissing me. All I know is that I'm scared of what will happen." 

Drake never thought he'd say this out loud. He also never thought he would discuss something so personal with Michael, who is quite possibly their silliest group member. 

Michael nodded, "Well, what do you want to happen?" 

"I don't know. I think I want to be with him." Drake was looking down as he realized this. 

Michael smiled, "Then I think that's what you should try and make happen."

Drake side-smiled and looked up at him, "Why do you want to help me so badly?"

"Because I want my friends to be happy. And, contrary to popular belief, I know a thing or two about relationships. Honestly, I can't think two guys would be different. After all, you're kinda the girlfriend in the relationship."

Drake playfully hit Michael's arm, and he laughed, starting the car. 

"If you ever want my help with something, just ask, Little Duck." And he drove Drake home.

That said, the day after the party was still an anxious day for Drake. Trent, as well.

When Trent woke up the next morning he had the worst headache of his life. Luckily, his parents weren't awake when he got home from the party, so they didn't see his tipsy demeanor. He lied in his bed for a while, hoping the headache would go away after a bit. It didn't. Then he remembered Drake. He remembered kissing him. He remembered the sparks he felt when they did, and he felt them once again recalling the event. There was an aching in his heart, and it made him short of breath. He didn't even know thinking about a person could cause that. It's truly amazing how you can think of someone some way, and something (You don't know exactly what) makes you want to be with them and love them. 

Then again, he didn't know how Drake felt about him. He had talked to him about the guy friend he liked, so what if that was him? (And as we all know, it was) At this point, he yearned to call Drake and just sort everything out. But it's not that easy. What if Drake didn't want to talk to him? Oh God, what if he was mad? Trent did technically initiate the kiss, maybe Drake wasn't okay with it? It was like he was caught in a nightmare between suspense and guilt. He decided to make the decision after taking an Advil.

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