Chapter Twenty-Three: Breakdown

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In Vega's RV, Trent and Drake were seated at a small table facing away from the front. There was a couch behind them and a kitchen to their left, and there were a bathroom and bedroom ahead of them. Isaiah and Taco were resting on the couch while Vega and Mr. Rorek sat opposite them by the table.

"This is a nice RV, Vega, you get a lot of money being a cop?" Drake asked, breaking the awkward silence. Vega and Mr. Rorek glared at him, so he shrunk down in the seat.

"So which one of you is asking the questions?" Trent asked, looking at the adults.
Mr. Rorek leaned forward, "I want to know why you killed my son."
A valid question, Trent thought. 
"Because I needed someone to kill, and your son chose the wrong day to mess with me."
"But why did you need to kill anyone at all?" Vega asked, seemingly tired of answers he didn't want to hear.
"I don't know how you'll react when I tell you."

At this, Isaiah looked up from Taco, interested even more in the conversation. Vega and Mr. Rorek were attentive, waiting for Trent to answer their question. Drake winced, knowing the answer already.
"I had to kill someone for Drake."
"Okay...okay, okay-" Vega rubbed the bridge of his nose with his pointer finger and thumb, while Mr. Rorek just looked incredibly confused.
"Why would you do that for him? What friend would make you-" Vega stopped him.
"He's saying he did it for love. They're like Bonnie and Clyde minus the robbery."
Mr. Rorek looked like he just saw a twist in a mystery film, "Oh."

Trent cleared his throat. "Is that all you wanted to know? I honestly feel really weird being in an RV that belongs to a man I don't know-"
"Is this a joke to you, Trent?" Vega glared at him, grabbing the table with clenched fists. 
Trent was taken aback, "No, no, I just don't want to be here longer than I have to be."
Mr. Rorek growled, "How did I not hear you when you," He gulped, "killed my son."

Uncomfortably, Trent recalled the day before, killing Aiden. It was such a bizarre occurrence, Trent sort of felt like it wasn't real. However, he wouldn't be in this RV, kidnapped by a policeman if it hadn't been real.
"I went up to his room and made sure he didn't scream by putting my fist in his mouth. He asked me what I wanted, thinking I was gonna rob him, probably. I ended up taking $100 of his cash and his Walmart gift card. I had brought a knife with me so he would know anything I said was serious, and I threatened him a bit with that. I asked him to take me to the bathroom so I could kill him in the bathtub. You know, he surprisingly didn't put up much of a fight." Trent thought back, realizing the oddity of it. Drake and Isaiah were listening very closely, along with the adults.

"Continue please," Vega said.
"I made him draw a bath and made him strip to get into it, which was also very uncomfortable to me. I put on Queen music for him and then I sliced into his forearm. He freaked out and grabbed the knife from me, but I got it back to slice his throat. Before I got it back, though, he stabbed my hand." He held up his left hand, showing off the incision on his palm and on the back of his hand. "I guess he did fight back. I just forget about the knife wound sometimes. I don't really feel it." He gazed at his hand as if admiring it. 

Vega stood up and began pacing and put his hands on his hips, "You're a real messed up kid, you know that?"
Trent side-smiled, "Yeah, I do."
Rapidly, Mr. Rorek rose from his seat and went into the kitchen area. Trent couldn't really imagine what he felt, considering he never had a child who died, let alone a child. Mr. Rorek opened a few drawers in the kitchen really fast, looking for something specific.
"Hey, hey," Vega came up to him, "What are you doi-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Mr. Rorek had shoved a knife through Vega's midsection, around his rib area. All Trent heard before he stood up was an inhale and no exhale. 
Isaiah stood straight up, mouth agape. Drake stood as well, ready and alert.

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