Chapter Twenty: Ted Bundy

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Trent's truck raced on the highway, windows open, blaring Queen music to the cars around them. Drake sat in the other seat with his head resting on his arm on the door, looking out the window. There were trees and clouds speeding by them, and then there was a road sign that said 'Dallas Exit 499'.

"Isn't it kind of weird driving on a freeway only a day after you got your license?" Drake asked, turning his head to Trent. 

Trent glanced over at him for a second and then returned his eyes to the road. Driving on a freeway for the first time was jarring, especially since most of the other drivers acted like they were angry at every movement he made.

"Yeah, it's weird. There are so many cars." He looked around in front of him at another driver yelling at the car to his right. 

"It's like a road full of bratty 14-year-olds." Drake laughed to himself, sitting up and taking his arm off the car door. 

Trent put his hand on Drake's that was sitting on his leg, "Are you ready for this, Louise?"

Drake smiled and held his hand back, "Of course I am. I wouldn't have come if I wasn't. But what happens if the cops come to the school?"

Trent didn't answer for a second, "If we see cop cars outside, we could ask to go to the restroom and hide out."

"Or," Drake started, "we could eventually call our parents saying we won't be able to go to school because of the camp."

Trent grinned and squeezed his hand, "I love your evil genius side."

"Probably cause you're an evil genius."

"You mainly are. After all, you got rid of most of the evidence from the murder. The one who got rid of the knife, the journal, the-"

"That's enough, T," Drake said, monotone, returning to resting on his arm on the car door. 

Since Drake had his weird meltdown in his parent's bedroom, Trent's been walking on thin ice. Every time he tried to compliment him on the way he handles things, Drake tries to ignore him or change the subject. Drake simply didn't want to talk about anything; the cops, the murder, anything. 

"Why? I want to talk to you. We still have like 10 minutes until we get to the Best Western."

"Fine. Wanna play a car game? How about 20 questions?"

"Or, we could talk about when we should get up in the morning for school, or maybe we could start budgeting?" Trent pursed his lips.

He heard Drake sigh and turn his body around to look at Trent. Although Trent couldn't look back, considering he couldn't handle a crazy driver yelling at him.

"How much is the hotel?"

"$76 a night. And it has free breakfast."

"Alright, and we eat lunch at school, and then fast food probably for dinner. How long are we planning to run, though? We only have $1600 in total, and neither of us have a job."

"Don't worry, I'll get a job as a cashier or something. There's a mall over there." Trent pointed out the window at a group of Macy's, JCPenney, and a Dillards in the near distance.

"As a cashier, you only make like $1500 a month. That's $375 a week. I guess that's okay." At this point, Drake was talking to himself facing forward. 

"Well, Monica from Friends, I'll let you handle the financial stuff then." Trent grinned, but Drake was still thinking. 

To lighten him up, Trent set his hand on Drake's thigh, "We'll be alright, Drake, don't worry."

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