Chapter Seven: In The Name of Love

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Drake didn't bother to talk to Trent. He tried to look back at the romance movies he'd seen for input, but they didn't help. He knew they weren't realistic, but they were all he had to go off of. He thought that it would be good for them not to talk for the night, even if that meant ignoring all of Trent's phone calls. 

Of course, he knew Trent was worried for good reasons. It's probably, I'd have to assume, extremely awkward to see your child whom you watched grow up making out with someone. 

Drake poked his head out from behind the hallway wall and saw his dad making himself a sandwich. He'd tell his dad about Trent eventually. Just not right now.

"Hey, Dad, can I go to Whataburger?"

His dad had stuffed his face with ham and cheese when he turned around comedically, causing Drake to slightly laugh.

"It's like, 8 o'clock, why right now?"

"I just feel like going. Plus, I'm kind of craving it."

"Are you walking or is someone driving you?" Drake couldn't drive.


"Alright, just make sure you're here early enough to still sleep enough for school tomorrow." His dad smiled and bit another large mouthful of his sandwich. 

Drake walked out of the house and listened to Queen music for the full 10-minute walk to Whataburger. 

Barely anyone was there, besides some workers and a pair of women eating at a booth. Drake ordered his usual and sat at a tiny booth that only allowed one person to fit in on either side. Then he heard the bell of the door ring.

"Have you seen a boy with blond hair and freckles recently..." is what he heard from behind him. He turned around the back of his side of the booth and saw Trent talking to the cashier. The cashier looked at Drake and Trent followed his gaze. He knew Drake too well.

Quickly, Trent sat down on the opposite side of the booth. 

"Drake, I need you to know-"

"No, Trent, don't, I'm sorry. I definitely overreacted."

Trent opened his mouth and closed it again, then he spoke, "I am, too. I hope you know I'm not ashamed of you, Drake."

Drake side smiled, "I know you're not."

Drake's receipt number was called, and after looking into Trent's eyes for a second longer, he got up and fetched his food. 

"It's not even dinner time, are you eating all of that?" Trent asked.

Drake shrugged and split it in half with his hands, "Here." He handed Trent the other half of the burger. 

He smiled, "Thanks."

"So, what have you been doing in the past 3 hours since we've seen each other?" He chuckled, along with Trent.

"Basically calling you over and over again. Oh yeah! That's what I was going to tell you!" He had an A-ha! moment. 

"The video was taken down."

Drake smiled, "Well that's good. I wonder why Matthew took it down."

Trent bashfully shrugged and grinned, "Actually, I threatened to legitimately sue him if he didn't."

Drake's mouth was gaping open, "Seriously?" He slightly laughed. "Damn, T."

Trent pulled Drake's Diet Coke over to his side of the table, "Well, I know I can be quite persuasive." He took a drink and contorted his face. 

Murder and MusicalsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora