Chapter Thirteen: Psychopath

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Drake awoke, being unable to really move. But he remembered, that was because Trent had his arm around him in a spooning position. He smiled and drew his hand up to Trent's. Their clothes were on the floor, except for underwear, which they put back on last night. Drake felt Trent shifting behind him, so he turned to rest on his back. Trent was on his side staring back at him and smiling.

"Good morning, babe." 

Drake grinned, "Good morning." He put his hand on Trent's cheek and kissed him. 
The digital clock on Trent's bedroom side table read '9:45'. Trent looked at it and quickly pushed the covers off and rose. 

"Shit, we've gotta get up." 

"Why?" Drake sat up.

"My mom will think it's weird I slept so long. I kinda don't want her to know we were up all night." He smirked whilst putting on plaid pajama pants and a t-shirt.

Drake smiled and stood to get dressed. He smiled at Trent as he came closer to him. "Thank you for staying the night with me."

"Of course. Any time. Especially if it's like last night." Drake wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck and kissed him deeply. Trent put his hands on his waist and lightly pushed him back until he was at the wall.

A knock at the door broke their kiss, "Hey, are you guys up yet? Can I come in?" It was Trent's brother. 

Trent took his hands off of Drake and opened the door. "What's up, Gabe?"

"Well, I wanted to make sure you were decent this time before I ask you if either of you want breakfast."

"'Decent this time'?" Drake said from the wall he was still leaning against.

"Yeah, I may or may not have knocked, walked in and saw you two in bed, and left. It was like 8 I assumed you'd be up." He shrugged.

Trent sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Um-uh-yeah, I'll take some breakfast. You Drake?" He turned to him.

"Yeah sure. Thanks, Gabe."

Gabe grinned, "No problem. You guys have fun last night, I guess?"

Trent groaned and shut the door in his brother's face; they heard him laughing in the hallway. Drake put his hand over his mouth to stop from giggling while Trent just shook his head.

The two went downstairs and saw Trent's mom putting food out on the table in individual baskets for them. There were biscuits, eggs, and bacon. Gabe was already sitting at the table taking food from the baskets. 

"Morning, Mom," Trent said, walking into the kitchen with Drake tailing him.

"Good morning, love birds." She looked up and smiled. Gabe grinned, about to laugh, and Trent just sighed.


Ryan was at Trent's doorstep, wondering if he should ask about the weirdness yesterday. Well, he was already there. He rang the doorbell, and then he heard footsteps behind him. Charles was there with a 7-11 slushie in his hand. 

"Hey, man. You're going to ask Trent what the hell was going on yesterday?"

"I didn't think you were paying attention to anything in that conversation." 

"I pay attention more than you think, Ry." He side-smiled and Gabe finally opened the door. 

"Oh hey, guys. Come on in. Trent and Drake are up in his room."

"Drake's here?" Ryan restated.

"Yeah, he stayed the night."

Charles smirked, "Mhmm..."

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