Chapter Twenty-Five: The Grand Finale

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In every movie, book, and show, there's an ending. Whether it is disappointing or fulfilling, it is the climax of a story. After multiple parts of a work, the finale brings everything to an end. Some endings are confusing, like The Shining. Some are great, like the Harry Potter series. And some are anticlimactic, right? I'm looking at you, How I Met Your Mother.

Anywho, everything must come to an end, and Drake and Trent knew that. Even after a week, and switching their motel every two days, they knew their journey was coming to an end. And by 'journey', I mean their run from the police force. You already knew that, though. 
Gotta love 2nd person point of view, huh?

Trent's brother was upset with the guys' plan. After Gabe showed up with his brother's car, he sat down with them in their motel room. A sad excuse for living conditions, Gabe thought when he sat down on one of the two chairs in the room.  He had taken it upon himself to bring the two a couple of sets of clothes each and two baggies of toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, and shampoo. He also brought two pairs of sunglasses and two snapback caps.
"These are for disguising yourselves in case you go somewhere and you have to avoid police." He said while handing the things to them. He had brought Trent's backpack in from his car as well.

"You really didn't have to do this," Trent said, smiling unsurely.
"Well, it's important that you don't get caught too soon." Gabe was hesitant to say much to him. He obviously wanted to protect his younger brother, but he also didn't want to assist a criminal. He hated being conflicted about helping Trent, but it is a strange circumstance.

Drake was sitting awkwardly on the bed while Trent sat in the chair opposite of Gabe. No one knew what to say to each other, but Trent tried.
"I'm so sorry, man." He said, exhaling and looking down at his hands, which were resting on the table between him and Gabe.
"Don't, kid. Just don't." He looked between Trent and Drake and stood up.
"I can't make you change your mind, I can't make you turn yourself in, so why bother talking about it at all? I love you, T, you're a great kid. I told you once that I'll love you no matter what and I stand by that. Everyone...everyone makes mistakes." He found it hard to even talk at this moment. 
He continued, "I will defend you in court, say you were a good kid and until now did nothing wrong. I'm sure mom will, too. But...I hope you know I can't say what either of you did was justifiable." Drake was looking at the floor, ashamed of himself. Trent was on the verge of tears, about to lose it. And it was clear in his voice.
"I-I'm really sorry-"
"I know you are. That doesn't change anything, and you know that." His words weren't angry. They were disappointed.
At that, Gabe left the room, leaving both Drake and Trent abandoned. They were on their own, and this was occurring to them for the first time; that they wouldn't get any more help from their friends or family for the next week. They'll be fending for themselves in the type of world they weren't preparing for in school. It was the world promised to them through movies, through shows, and through documentaries.

The musical was in a week, and they had made a deal with Michael that they would converse over Instagram and he would give them any updates or details about the Newsies rehearsals. He would send them videos of the dances they were doing and the stage directions. By then Ms. Hamilton had replaced Trent and Drake with their understudies, so they could actually get the visual representation of what they were doing. Boy, will the understudies be confused. Ms. Hamilton will freak out, so it'll be hard to convince her to let them stay, but I'm sure they will.
I am the author, after all. I have the power. 
My apologies, let's get back to the actual story.


Less than a day. That was all that was between the guys and the musical. Just about 10 hours.
They were packing up what little stuff they had in Trent's backpack. Mainly Trent was packing, and Drake was sitting on the bed asking him questions.
"Do you think the costumes will still fit us?"
"I'm sure, except your understudy is a girl, so the costume will be pretty awkward."
"Meh, I can live with that." 
Drake paused for a second.
"Do you think we should practice your dances before we leave? Or do our lines again?"
"Don't worry, we can practice our lines in the car, and I've got my dance down."
"Alright. So, are we just gonna be driving around all day?"
"Well, considering I probably won't have my car by the end of it anyway, why not spend the miles on driving aimlessly? We can eat our favorite meals for lunch and dinner, and then we'll go on to the school. The door near the auditorium will be open, at least it should be, and we'll make our way backstage. How does that sound, Louise?"
Drake smiled at the name.
"Sounds great, Thelma."

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