Chapter Five: It's Starting

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At school the next Monday, Trent and Drake walked into the cafeteria together.

Michael and Ryan immediately, looked at them, followed by Charles who was confused as to why they were so focused on Drake and Trent. They sat at their table next to each other, across from Michael and Ryan. Charles sat to the side. Michael and Ryan were waiting expectantly for one of the two boys to say something about what happened over the weekend.

Charles just looked between the pairs and finally burst, "Alright, what the hell is going on?"

The four guys looked at him, and Michael and Ryan just looked at Trent and Drake to explain.

Trent went ahead. "Alright Charles, so, at the party we went to on Saturday, Drake and I kissed. It led to Drake telling me he liked me more than a friend. We went out yesterday to lunch, and decided we'd start dating."

Michael and Ryan celebrated, "That's awesome! I was hoping you two'd get together." "Yeah, congrats, guys."

Charles just grinned, "I'm happy for you guys. But that means Ryan, you owe me fifty bucks."

Ryan looked confused, "What, why?"

"Don't you remember in 6th grade we had a bet that Drake would be into guys?"

Drake felt a little offended, despite the circumstances that he actually was dating a guy.

"Woah, Woah, you seriously bet on me?"

Ryan felt extremely awkward, "We made the bet a while ago." He shrugged. "Sorry."

Charles raised his hand, "To be fair, I originally made the bet money a lot less. But then..I..felt more strongly that you would be we raised it." He awkwardly darted his eyes back and forth.
"I mean, thanks for causing me to win fifty dollars?" Charles shrugged.

Drake sighed and rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I'm slowly not caring. Michael, how's your video series going?" He just wanted to change the topic.

Ryan and Charles simultaneously hushed Drake, using hand gestures in the process. "Why are you asking? He'll keep talking about it."

Michael grinned but glared, playfully at the two. "Thank you, Drake. It's going well. Although I do have to heavily edit the video I have from the party."

"How much so? It sounds like a lot when you say it like that."

"Well, I have to blur multiple faces, especially the ones who were making out outside." He chuckled, taking a sip from a Starbucks cup.

Drake immediately regretted asking, and felt himself blushing. Trent's face was also turning red.

"I'm kidding, I won't put that in it." He said, reassuring. "I'd never do that, man, c'mon."

Trent looked down, "..didn't have to bring it up, though."

Drake felt hurt at that statement.

"Do you guys remember those Wiley Coyote cartoons?" Ryan randomly brought up. They all nodded. "Well, we had a project in that engineering class, and I had made a magnet that could get metal out of eggs."

The guys just looked at each other confused. Michael furrowed his eyebrows. "Ryan, what the actual fuck."

Ryan giggled. "I put a sticker of a chick on the magnet, and called it the 'chick magnet'."

The group sighed, a couple put their heads in their palms, and Charles hit his head on the table.

Trent looked up from his hand, chuckling, "Ryan, what the hell does this have to do with Wiley Coyote?"

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